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189 visa - can you come back to Uk as much as you like?


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could someone just clarify.

Husband is on 189 skills visa

We are emigrating next month. (it was granted in Feb).



Can he come back for holidays as and when he likes? eg. for holidays 2-3 weeks maybe twice a year max. and would this time be deducted off.


I think I have read that you need to live in Australia for 4 years to get citizenship.

Does this need to be continuous?



As the 4years would be close, so possibly we will have to get a resident return visa once 5years is up. But hopefully in 5years time they will be easy to get still.

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Short holidays will not make a difference. Rules for citizenship are 4 years with no more than a year out of Oz in total and no more than 90 days out in the year before you apply. Time starts when you make first entry.


Your visa allows you to travel freely for 5 years from grant, after that you will need citizenship or a resident return visa to get back into Australia.

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As rammygirl said, when you apply for citizenship you must have been resident in Australia for 4 years and can't have spent more than 1 year outside, including no more than 90 days during the final year. However the time counts backward from the date you apply for citizenship.

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