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Airport - What to do???


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I am getting so excited about our 3 week holiday to Oz, that I am forgetting that the fundamental reason for our visit, is to validate our Visa's!!!


I really don't know what to do at the airport? Do we go to the immigration section, or do we do as a normal holiday and it automatically registers?


Never done this before (Obviously!) so I'm not sure at all. I have printed off the visa grants, so have the paperwork - do I need anything else?


Anyone who has done this before - your advice would be much appreciated.


Many thanks


Adele x

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Everything is as normal. We did a validation trip earlier this year and my spouse was shocked at how matter of fact our arrival was. We went through a human immigration line rather than electronic because she's from an ineligible country. The officer was very friendly and giving advice on places to live.


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You just queue up with the tourists, get stamped in and the system automatically registers your visa as validated. Normally the border guard will not say anything special - which is disappointing as you tend to feel that something so momentous in your life should warrant a brass band and streamers.

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Haha, I felt quite sad I didn't get a 'welcome!' or any sort of fanfare as others have mentioned. But nevermind :cool:


Ask them about the rugby


Tell them its a relief now your in Australia you don't have to try as hard

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Hey there.

We validated in Feb this year. Our trip went something like this:

Taxi got stuck in serious traffic on way to airport, daughter got car sick in taxi and threw up - I grabbed her coat (nearest thing to hand) and she was very very sick into it. Taxi driver gave us a carrier bag so all got shoved into that!

So, arrived at Manchester Airport with NINE yes 9 minutes till check in desk closed!!And a six year old covered in sick.

For some reason our visa's weren't apparent on the UK system when we check in, so a supervisor was called over and had to call Australian Immigration to check this, whilst I opened suitcases and changed sicky six year old at the check in desk!!

With two minutes to spare till desk closed, our luggage went through (sicky coat was shoved into hand luggage - YUCK!!).

Once we arrived in Sydney it was a breeze. Polite and straightforward and the guy at passport control confirmed that we had validated the visa's.


We look back and laugh now but don't want to repeat that journey to Manchester airport again!! I even went through 'something to declare' channel as I was paranoid about the dogs sniffing around the sicky bag!!

Best regards, enjoy your experiences xxxx

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Hi there! As the visa is electronically attached to your passport it is checked and validated automatically when the passport is scanned.


My experience was this; after arriving at Melbourne airport I approached the long line for immigration. To my left though were those automatic gates that can be used if you have a biometric passport. Knowing that may passport had a chip in it, and totally forgetting that I really needed conformation that my spousal visa was indeed valid by an official, I scanned my passport, the machine took a picture and the gates opened with the display message 'Welcome to Australia'. I followed the signs to baggage reclaim, where my bags were already there and then onwards to boarder control. I gave my card that I filled out on the plane stating that I didn't have any Marmite on me, and was directed to a lane that ended with an opaque glass panel which moved aside as I approached and straight in to the arms of my wife and kids who had been in Australia for a few months previously. Very impressed.

It was only in the car to my new home that I suddenly thought ' oh hang on'!


Anyway, a nice Scottish lady did confirm that my visa was valid when getting my Medicare card a few weeks later.


Hope this helps and enjoy.



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