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The pound and Euro


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We Are going back to the UK. We Need a Leave vote.The Reserve Bank in the UK Couldn't get the pound down,buy lowering interest rates to 0.5%.And now they are whingeing that the OUT vote Will lower the pound. Low Pound =More Jobs and Growth. They are always Whingeing Here about the High Dollar. Killing Exports.I hope the Pound Plummets. Good for me and the Country. It's not at all a vote against immigration.But it is BAD. The vote is about The British Getting their Country Back. About Sovereignty,Being in control of your own borders,Having your own rules and regulations.Even your own Armed Forces Now. The EU is Corrupt from top to bottom.Accountable to nobody but themselves. Downloading Brexit i see THE EU Parliament Have 100s of officials.That only concentrate on More Rules and Regulations each month. For Instance a Bakery in the UK has to abide by 134 EU rules before it can sell a loaf of bread.A Butchers Shop has over 350.The EU Parliament is paid enormous salaries.and only pay 8% tax And you want a Remain Vote????? Think about others that have to Live with A corrupt EU Man! How you seem to think being forced to let 300,000 EU Immigrants +1000's of refugees into Britain is good. is beyond the pale.

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People see to think that if the UK leaves the EU, there's suddenly going to be more say... The political situation won't change - there'll still be spin and lies. And when you say "we want our country back", what does that mean? Its your country now and it will always be. Unless you want the pre-EU UK back, which would be quite a shock to back-pedal 43 years.


Think about your words, don't just regurgitate the tabloid headlines without a thought about what they mean.

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So? If you go back and there's a "stay" vote, will you be heading back to Oz again?
Jeez I hope no! He's done enough moaning about Australia! Mind you some are still at it after years back!
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Bakery in the UK has to abide by 134 EU rules before it can sell a loaf of bread..


Strict laws, stretching back to Assize of Bread and Ale of 1266, have meant that no baker in England has been allowed to bake a loaf unless it conforms to a certain weight.


Until the 24th September 2008, all bread that went on sale in the UK– from a sliced white loaf, to a baguette, ciabatta or bloomer – had to weigh 400g or multiples thereof, unless it was a small bun or "morning pastry", as the legislation phrases it.


The weight of bread has been enshrined in many Acts of Parliament since 1266. Since The Bread Act of 1822 loaves, logically, always had to be a pound, or multiple thereof, but during the Second World War bakers were ordered to save precious flour by cutting their bread tins down to 14oz, a regulation that become law in 1963.

When Britain went metric, bakers argued that 14oz – 397 grams – should be converted to 400g because this would involve relatively little disruption to their factories. The conversion was made over the May Bank Holiday weekend of 1977 and since then it has been illegal not just to sell, but also to bake an imperial-weighted loaf.


This is why sliced bread always comes in the standard 800g or the half-sized 400g loaves and it is a regulation that is strictly upheld by Trading Standards officers, who frequently visit bakeries to make spot checks. This was UK not EU law.


However, a European directive issued in 2008 has, in effect, abolished more than 800 years of British history and allowed bakers to bake loaves of any size, bringing in some of the laissez-faire of the boulangerie – where bakers can create bread of any shape or size – across the Channel.


is this one of the new EU rules along with the one that says no loaf should contain Rat or Mouse droppings and hygiene standards should be more than adequate?


Yes lets go back to 1665 when the black death encompassed London.

and are there really 134 rules.


Must try harder

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