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Ambulance cover


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I've never thought about this before reading someone's story about being charged for ambulance call out. So I did some research and just paid for ambulance cover as I don't have private health care.


You might want to look into this especially if you've arrived recently from somewhere there is no cost for ambulance services.

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Yes, this caught us out! Our youngest daughter had to be rushed to hospital by ambulance with suspected meningitis, and we got a bill in the post. We'd only been in Australia for three days, however, so I'm not sure we'd have had time to sort it out even if we'd known about it.

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Good shout; its easily overlooked by new migrants.


Ambulance Victoria $87.60 family/$43.40 single membership for a year. Apply and pay online; only takes a few minutes.


For families arriving in Vic with kids to enroll in school, Ambulance Vic membership is a prerequisite (or private healthcare with ambo cover).

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