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Interfering family or friends prior to your Australia migration...


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Just wondering how many of you experienced interfering family or friends prior to your migration to Australia?


Eg: not supporting your decision, not happy with it, trying to change your mind etc.



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Our families were supportive in that they showed an interest and never tried to interfere, or dissuade us, or make us feel guilty.


But I think to expect family and friends to be "happy" with the decision is really a bit much. They can't like us very much if they are going to be truly happy by us moving to the other side of the world and for some the reality is never seeing the migrant again in person. My own mother never saw me again the day I left the country to live overseas. I don't think you can expect family to be utterly selfless, whilst you the migrant are being completely selfish (not meant in an ugly sense if the word buy purely because migrating is technically selfish in the sense that you are putting your own and your immediate family needs above all else).

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Pretty much what Bungo said. Largely supportive, although some thought we wouldnt actually go through with it, and got a bit of a shock when they got a leaving party invite.


Having said that, there was some negativity from families friends, in particular from close friends of my mother in law, who was pretty blunt that she "wouldnt let her daughter leave her like that."


Fortunately my in laws saw it for what it was, and have already been out and are actively planning their 2nd, 3rd and 4th trips!:err:

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My lot never guilted me when I left but my now ex dil had a go when we moved back to care for my olds. I think when you are taking grandkids away it is like a death for the grandparents - they've been looking forward to having their grandkids around, being like all their friends etc so you can expect them to go through grief and how they deal with that is anyone's guess - anger, denial, bargaining etc all perfectly normal. If you have siblings I can understand their anger too - you swanning off to sunshine and beaches on the other side of the world leading them with the responsibility of an aging pair of parents and all that involves. If I had siblings I would be ticked off if I had to do it all and they did bugger all to help!


So put yourself in their shoes and though it isn't nice you might be able to see why they do it. Don't expect them to trek out after you on holidays either. Why should they? They might, if you are lucky, choose to do so but if you are the leaver it will be your responsibility to keep the contact going and make the trips back.


You do have to be very selfish and very self sufficient to be a successful migrant, this is just part of the journey.

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