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Crazy weather, but it does look pretty


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My brother sent me a link to this article showing some of our 'home town' covered in snow this last day or two. Its crazy for this time of year, but despite not really missing the cold one bit, that sprinkle of snow certainly makes the place look pretty, especially the hills in the background.






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I remember going sledging up on the moors, it was stunning scenery and i wish my kids could experience that at some point,, i would only enjoy it for half a day though until i was frozen cold ,then i would want to get back to my sunshine,lol.. im a wuss now,lol


Cal x

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........lol.......id stay out till I was blue....!

......loved the fog and frost too....

........favourite time as a child ...


LOL, I have great memory's of spending a winters day on the farm at the stables and my feet were so cold and numb when i got home at night i would hold my feet up inches from the gasfire,lol, my nan would tell me off and i can hear her now saying ''move your feet,you will get bloody chillblains!'' lol..


Cal x

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I broke ice off the peg box in the morning, and the clothes on the line were dry by lunchtime. This is weird weather.


Someone in that article i read above had said they were having a BBQ and had a pool out in the garden a couple of days before !! lol . They posted a pic of the pool now covered in snow,lol .


I pegged my washing out this morning and its still as wet! Its been damp and miserable all day here.

Cal x

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LOL, I have great memory's of spending a winters day on the farm at the stables and my feet were so cold and numb when i got home at night i would hold my feet up inches from the gasfire,lol, my nan would tell me off and i can hear her now saying ''move your feet,you will get bloody chillblains!'' lol..


Cal x


I used to do the same. We had an ancient solid fuel stove with two ovens. The top one was hot and the bottom one was (very) warm. I'd rush into the kitchen, rip off my wellies and stick my frozen feet in the bottom oven - bliss! Did end up with chilblains all over my toes though . :sad:

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