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Hi everyone,


It has been a few years since I have been on PIO!, I am moving back to the UK after 4 and half (hard but successful) years in Australia. I need any advise on the below issues please.


(1) I am planning on buying a motorhome in the UK on my return and heading across Europe for a few months career break, my problem is that I can not seem to able to change my previous UK address on my driving licence on the DVLA website (to my friends address, who resides in London as I will be residing with him once my break is over). I am an Irish and Australian citizen with a valid UK driving licence, but have not been a resident in the UK for the last 3 years.


(2) Insurance seems to be a problem as I have not been a resident in the UK for 12 months ( or in some cases 185 days) , Can I get my friend to insure the motorhome and be put down on the policy as a named additional driver and still be covered to drive the vehicle?


(3) If i purchase such a vehicle, surly if my name is on the V5 as the registered owner at my friends address, will I be then able to change my current UK driving licence to reflect this?


(4) Can I tax the vehicle using my current UK driving licence , although it currently shows my old rental address? (the DVLA records still show that i have a valid UK driving licence at the old address).


(5) Banking!!! What bank is the best option for someone who has no credit history back in the UK, not that I need credit or want credit, I purely want to just open a simple bank account to allow me to transfer some funds from here to there, and to have it in place when I return from Europe to allow payments from an employer (once I go back to work). Lloyds seem to have some basic accounts, and I can provide payslips from here if they should need any proof of income, has anyone else had this problem?


Any information would be great :)

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I think you will find these things hard to do from overseas but will be quite straightforward once you are back.


1) The UK licence is technically not valid if you are not resident in the UK, I daresay that is why you cannot update the address details. When you get back, get a government gateway ID and should be easy to do online.


2) I cannot see any reason why your friend could not insure the vehicle, but there is no need. Once you are back there will be no issues whatsoever in getting vehicle insurance.


3) Again, once you are back it is going to be very straightforward to change your address on the licence.


4) When you are back, get all your addresses sorted out properly. I would not be taxing or registering or doing annything official with an address that it out of date.


5) There are loads of banking options, too many to pick a "best" option for you. Perhaps try something like money-supermarket to see what is about at the moment.

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As Bungo has said once you are back all the things you mention are easily sorted, some are just harder when out of the country. Insurance shouldn't be a problem, we were out of the country almost 12 years and we had no issues. I would recommend HSBC but there is a huge choice. It all looks daunting but really isn't once here.

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(2) Insurance seems to be a problem as I have not been a resident in the UK for 12 months ( or in some cases 185 days) , Can I get my friend to insure the motorhome and be put down on the policy as a named additional driver and still be covered to drive the vehicle?


Insurance is not a problem. We got insurance no trouble at all from Aviva and got our Australian no claims bonus recognised too - and we had been in the country only two months.


(4) Can I tax the vehicle using my current UK driving licence , although it currently shows my old rental address?
We didn't have a UK driving licence when we bought our vehicle, only Australian ones. There was no problem changing ownership and getting it taxed.


(5) Banking!!! What bank is the best option for someone who has no credit history back in the UK, not that I need credit or want credit, I purely want to just open a simple bank account to allow me to transfer some funds from here to there, and to have it in place when I return from Europe to allow payments from an employer (once I go back to work).



Firstly, keep your Australian bank account open, as it may take some time to get your UK bank account up and running. You cannot open a bank account in the UK from Australia. You also can't open an account at the counter - I tried to open an account with Barclays on my second day in the UK and found that you have to make an appointment to see a "consultant". The earliest appointment was a week later, then I had another week or so to wait to get my card, passwords etc. You'll need your passport PLUS a bill or bank statement with your UK address on it (tip - change your address at your Australian bank to your friend's address, then ask them to send you a paper statement, then it will be waiting for you when you arrive). For goodness sake, don't let it slip that it's just a temporary address or they won't open the account!

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Hi Bungo,


Thank you for the advise, I did use the Government Gateway in the past for SA tax returns, but I have no idea what my User ID and passwords are now!


I think there is a mechanism to retrieve your userid and password. Although they do tend to send codes out in the post, not sure if they would send it overseas.

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Hi Amibovered, I had a look at them today, but their quote website is " under construction" at the moment. Have you used them?

Years ago, they are brokers but quite used to people arriving from abroad and have good contacts with insurers who are willing to insure recent arrivals.

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