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Poms moving to Adelaide!


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Hi everyone :smile:


My husband and I are moving from the South West of the UK to Adelaide in August this year to be with some family that we have over there so I thought I would join this community as I've found quite a few posts here to be very helpful.


I was just wondering what we should expect when we move over? We visited Australia (Sydney and Adelaide) a couple of years ago for a 2 week holiday but i'm sure living there will be very different. Did anyone have any good or bad surprises?

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Why?we live in sadelaide and am hoping on moving to the southwest of England next year. Biddeford hopefully I have family there ( what's left of them) maybe we can bat off each other for relocation tips:wink:seriously like jock says Adelaide is a bit stuck at the moment, what with steel plants closing at Whyalla, port Augusta etc plus Holden closing the gates. It's not looking very promising here

we have been here over 8 years now and it's slowly getting worse and worse but hey I am only speaking from being here.i still have a job and the sun still shines and the shops are open and you can see a doctor and fill up your car with fuel.

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Thank you for your help/advice/links everyone. We're going over on WHVs for a year before making any permanent decisions (sounds like we may have made the right choice, but I suppose you never know...). We don't have an awful lot keeping us in the UK at the moment & thought we should take the opportunity while we are still young! Haha yes perhaps we could get some tips from each other! We'll be based in Seaford so any advise you have would be great...

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Don't waste your WHV staying the year in Adelaide. Sure plan to start here and spend a bit of time, perhaps get your farm work out the way if you wanted to gain your second year WHV and give yourself more time and then go see the rest of Australia.


Adelaide is lovely, I really enjoy living here but keep in mind a WHV is very different to migrating. You'll not be able to try to secure permanent or long term jobs on a WHV. Many jobs will require PR or a skilled visa of some sort. You'll be faced with the backpacker reality, perhaps more so in Adelaide as the job market is struggling in certain areas but not all. However a WHV is going to limit you to working only 6 months with one employer and you'll be competing with locals for even those casual jobs. Not to say it can't be done but realise and be prepared to work within the limits of a WHV.


Seaford is a long way down south away from the CBD and much of the city life. It would not be where I would base myself if I were on younger and on a WHV. I'd be trying to be more central, closer to all the things Adelaide has to offer and then visit the outerlying suburban areas as and when you need to. Sure if you live here permanently Seaford might suit in the longer term but not on a WHV IMHO. Plus needing a car to get most places from there would be a dead cert and I'd hate to be carless that far out. Adelaide CBD is lovely, compact and lots of bars, cafes and social stuff but being in Seaford a night out is a long way away and suburban living is very different here to the UK (in MHO).


Australia is so big, so vast and there is so much to see and do. Go enjoy it, travel, work when you need/want and use Adelaide as a starting point and base. And then who knows, you may find somewhere else you like more or you like Adelaide and do want to migrate. If so, then work towards it but don't put all your WHV eggs into the Adelaide basket as I think you'd be missing an amazing opportunity to experience Aus.

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Best time to be in Adelaide is Feb/ March for the festival season. But you would want to be based nearer the city to take advantage. I would factor the fringe and WOMAD into your plans. You might even get a job helping out so entry for free to WOMAD at least.

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