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Homesick living on the Gold Coast!!

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Hello and welcome. I'm nowhere near the GC but hopefully some of our other members will be along.


Its early days and I can understand it may be a struggle, perhaps more so if your kids are older and you therefore don't start to have that contact with other parents over the school run and so on. Often that is how friendships are built for new arrivals with younger kids and you've not got that aspect.


Have you thought about finding a social club that appeals? Do you play a sport? Netball is huge here and clubs are welcoming. Or a local book club, crochet club, anything that may appeal. Or see if you can volunteer at a local op shop a few hours a week to help give you some face to face time with other people. Just having a reason to head out the door in the morning can help lift the mood.


I joined a book club and also got on board with all the sports clubs my son (and husband) joined. My son is younger but his joining the clubs gave me a foot in the door to meeting other families, getting out a bit and having a few social nights. I also helped out at a few school events and had it not been for working 5 days a week from the start of this year I'd have volunteered at the school canteen or uniform shop one or two mornings a week.

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You need to keep off facebook, skype, twitter and other social media, get out and join a sports club, surf club or gym and start talking to locals. You'll soon make friends.

I can recommend surf clubs, plenty to do for the whole family and the kids will love it. All good places to go at the weekend and they have good cheap food and beer and a great social scene.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi Joie,

Im in Northern Gold coast, just joined after viewing your thread (wasn't able to private message you with my number). I completely understand how you're feeling.. been here 3 years now, 3 kids, if you can inbox me please do so, so i can send you my details. Could meet for coffee or something?

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Sorry... I'm Kate

Hi Joie,

Im in Northern Gold coast, just joined after viewing your thread (wasn't able to private message you with my number). I completely understand how you're feeling.. been here 3 years now, 3 kids, if you can inbox me please do so, so i can send you my details. Could meet for coffee or something?

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi joie

I have just moved to pacific pines last week...got 2 kids (20 & 10)...i cant seem to send private message but keen to meet if you like and can have a chat???

Let me know what you think??


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  • 4 weeks later...


Not in quite the same boat as you but defiantly sailing the same seas as you. Have 2 girls 20 & 16, I am lucky to have my mum come over with us, but some days it does seem the only person to talk to is her and hubby.we have been on the Gold Coast for 18 months now love the life style and what it has to offer, but still finding it hard get work & meet people. Its hard to get to know new people when you have older kids who don't need or want your help anymore. Its tough to find a new social group when you have to start from scratch. So different from back home where you grew up with your social group. I am on the north end of GC but am happy to travel if you want to meet up for coffee or do some shopping.

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Hi Sally I def would be keen to meet up for a coffee!!! I get what you are saying about only having hubby to talk to!!!! Where abouts are you?? We are on Pacific Pines (I seem to get lost every time I leave the estate!!) but shall we arrange a coffee meet up??? Kath

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Hi Kath

Coffee sounds like a great idea. I am at Maudsland, about 5k west of Pacific Pines, I completely understand how easy it is to get lost around Pac Pines. I am more or less free to meet up next week if you want. Do you know how to get to Westfield shopping mall, if not where do you do your grocery shopping we can meet there as there is bound to be a coffee shop close by.



I so get what your going through right now, been there myself when we first arrived 8 yrs ago. it does get easier, it takes time but it will get better. I would love to help you try to understand Australia and the Australians.



Lets make a date for coffee next week.

Talk soon

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Hi Sally


Sounds great...yes I know the Westfield at Helensvale!! Are you free Tuesday?? Shall we meet at the Coffee Lounge on Tuesday, around 11am???

I think its called the coffee lounge but its near the entrance best for K Mart and can sit outside??

Let me know what you think??


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Hi Kath

I thought I had replied to your last message to meet at Coffee Club at 11.00 today, but at 11.20 I started to think you had stood me up, I now think you didn't get my last message.


Would you like to give it another try and meet up Thur or Fri same place.


I will have a go at sending you a PM with my mobile no that might be a better way of contacting.


So sorry not to have met you today I was really looking forward its always great to make new friends.



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