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Full Uk Birth Certificate for 189 visa


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I have only ever had the short version of my birth certificate for as long as i remember. The 189 visa requires a full birth certificate showing parents names.


Now here is the issue or possibly not?


I requested a copy of my full birth certificate from the GRO at a cost of £9.50 which i have now received. My birth certificate does not show my fathers details, they are just dashed out.


My issue is will i need to provide any other evidence to show the relationship to my father in the absence of his name on my birth certificate.


Its probably not a real issue but I'm trying to pre-empt anything as i don't really communicate with my father much these days.



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I have only ever had the short version of my birth certificate for as long as i remember. The 189 visa requires a full birth certificate showing parents names.


Now here is the issue or possibly not?


I requested a copy of my full birth certificate from the GRO at a cost of £9.50 which i have now received. My birth certificate does not show my fathers details, they are just dashed out.


My issue is will i need to provide any other evidence to show the relationship to my father in the absence of his name on my birth certificate.


Its probably not a real issue but I'm trying to pre-empt anything as i don't really communicate with my father much these days.





Hi Steve,

We've just had to get our daughter a full birth certificate because just like yours, hers had dashes where her dads name should've been. When I registered her birth, I went alone as my partner (baby's father) was at work. The registrar did not let me put his name on the certificate, firstly because we were unmarried and secondly because he was not present! Because we have since married, we were able to add fathers name to certificate and to also update my name to include my married name. It doesn't take long, you could apply for this online, then present at an office where you can sign for & collect certificate.

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I doubt I'd they need you to provide links to your father for a 189. I'm sure many have certificates like this, it will be OK for the visa, up to you to investigate changing it though.

Sometimes best not to explore........



Hi rammygirl,


We had to provide the information for our 189 visa. I think Steve should just send what he has and only apply to add name to certificate if it is requested. You're so right though, sometimes it really is best not to explore.

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I had the exact same situation and you have nothing to worry about. I requested my full certificate from GRO and it did not have my birth fathers name, I don't actually know who my birth father is. I submitted this without any additional details and was not questioned about it.


Any references to father I will have put my step dads details, however I would refer to him as my father in 99.9% of instances and this caused no issues here.

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