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Just starting the visa process...advice needed on areas...


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Hello Everyone


Well I have just assigned go matilda to be my agent and I am starting to feel a bit nervous, I have never been to Oz :huh: I do not know anyone :huh: and now I have the long wait of having my visa granted. We have been told we have enough points but I am a bit concerned about starting this whirlwind adventure. :wacko:I have thought about doing a rekkie but I think it will be more of a holiday and you wont know what its like living the life unless your doing it.


I have looked at the Perth area but now Brisbane has been put into my head, I am 26 with 3 boys and want the family lifestyle but also want to be able to let my hair down sometimes. Can anyone advise me on what they think of the areas? Its really hard to judge when I havent been there.....


Thanks everyone and look forward to getting to know you guys.

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Hi carly, Lee and boys well done for making a start with your visa application, we also used Go-matilda and found them to be very good. The time will go very quick this is what we found, when i look back to what stage we were at this time last year. Like you commented it is a whirlwind adventure and you just have to go with it

Best wishes to you all and keep us posted

Tania X

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Guest loujen78

Hi Carly, good luck with the application. It's just me and my 7 year old and i've just submitted my 176 application. I too am looking at Queensland or Perth. It's so daunting but at the same time exciting. Hope to go over there later this year.

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