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Medicals - Our experiance


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We had our medicals done at the Spire Manchester Friday just gone (18th March) and thought I would give a low down on what it entailed for others that are stressing about their medicals (I now I was, I was a wreck and was totally dreading it)


Our appointment was at 10am but we arrived about 09.30. All the staff were lovely and made us feel at ease. We were first taken into see the administrator at about 09.45 she went through the process with us, what we were to expect etc, took a copy of our passports and took a photograph of us. We then returned to the waiting room.


The nurse then called us in. She took down our weight and height and gave us a simple eye test. She then took blood for the HIV test and took our blood pressure. (Mine was high as I knew it would be, it is not usually but I was stressing about the whole thing) she reassured me and said not to worry as the doctor would take it again once I had relaxed. We then had to provide a urine sample. Others have said the nurse did the dipstick test in front of them but she didn't do it in front of us?!


We went back to the waiting room and the doctor called us in. Firstly he went through our forms and asked if we had ever had TB, high blood pressure, high cholesterol etc, just basic questions and had us sigh the HIV consent form. We were then asked to strip down to undies (was not expecting this but hey ho) and sit on the bed. He checked reflexed (the rubber hammer on the knees) looked in our eyes, ears and mouth, checked around the neck area. Was then told to lie down on the bed (he took my blood pressure again at this point, which was back to normal thank goodness) felt around the tummy area and bent legs (checking mobility I guess) he listened to our chests and that was it.


Then it was off down to X-ray. Chest X-ray done in a matter of minutes and that was it. We were out by 11am so all in all just over an hour for both of us. We were told they would upload results in 3-5 days but when I checked immi account on the Saturday morning they were uploaded. I checked again today and our medicals are showing as finalized. I was sure I would be referred as I have psoriasis on my arms and knees so I am chuffed about that.


I guess were onto the waiting game again now but so pleased we have the medicals out of the way.

My advise is try not to stress about the medicals, there is really no need to.

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Had ours at Spire Cardiff, no stripping for us thankfully, and the doctor did all tests , there was no sign of a nurse ...which I had said to my son that Drs don't take bloods they get a nurse to do the meanial tests (I'm allowed to say that being a nurse ha ha)

no problems with any of ours. We didn't sign to consent to hiv test but he did check we understood the test.

we were all out with hour and half including X-ray (3 of us)

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So yes, had to strip to undies today. I told them that I didn't need to do it the last time (at Spire Edinburgh), and the doc just sort of said "oh right." It was also completely unnecessary, considering she just listened to my chest and felt my stomach. She did take a note of how many tattoos I had though - not sure why, considering I am tested for HepB/C/HIV being a nurse anyway.


However, it was all totally fine. Not the most glamorous of doctors' surgeries (Knightsbridge London) but suppose I was comparing it to the brand spanking new Spire hospital that I went to last time.


All excited now as that is the last piece in the puzzle! Now I await my visa, please Aussie Immi! :)

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A good account of your medical experience. I had mine in London about a month ago, I don't do needles and the Dr was excellent with me. It's encouraging to hear that the medicals are similar no matter what part of the country you take them!!

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We had ours done in Edinburgh. Admin staff, nurses & Dr all fab!


Both my partner & myself had to give 2nd urine samples due to small traces of protein, think we must've been bit dehydrated, & those were fine. Glad they give the option of 2nd test, I'm guessing that must be quite a common result. All other tests were the same as what you described except no stripping (phew, as didn't exactly have glam undies on) & instead of rubber hammer she just done resistance tests (push/pull limbs).

My 5 month old just had a general check over, no bloods or x-rays. The Dr even very kindly changed his nappy!!

They wrote to us within the week telling us tests had been signed off & submitted.


Overall we were there for 2 hours. It is a lot of money, especially for a baby to have essentially the same checks his Health Visitor does, but hey ho that's it all done.


Defo nowhere near as scary as I thought it'd be & as I said the whole team there were lovely which makes it all so much easier.

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So yes, had to strip to undies today. I told them that I didn't need to do it the last time (at Spire Edinburgh), and the doc just sort of said "oh right." It was also completely unnecessary, considering she just listened to my chest and felt my stomach. She did take a note of how many tattoos I had though - not sure why, considering I am tested for HepB/C/HIV being a nurse anyway.


However, it was all totally fine. Not the most glamorous of doctors' surgeries (Knightsbridge London) but suppose I was comparing it to the brand spanking new Spire hospital that I went to last time.


All excited now as that is the last piece in the puzzle! Now I await my visa, please Aussie Immi! :)


I think they are looking for track marks / evidence of drug use. He told my husband to remove his socks and checked between his toes.

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