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How does anyone get anything done in Queensland?


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Wow reading these posts surprises me. This year has been fine, one or two days of high humidity where you want to plan your day a little carefully otherwise the weather this never ending summer has been great.


Now the the temps have suddenly dropped a few degrees, mornings and nights are actually cold! I am now dreading winter with the cold winds.


If moving house always try and get a property with through air flow, makes a huge different and works on the same principle of the Queenslanders. Have friends with no air flow in their places and makes a huge difference especially on a hot day where there is a slight breeze.



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I remember my first year living in Cairns. At first, I thought I wouldn't cope. Showers three or four times a day and no energy. I got used to it and found I had to avoid all synthetic clothes - linen and cotton - loose with no sleeves. I wore rubber thongs or latex shoes (leather went mouldy) and I got to enjoy the wet season, always having a patina of perspiration that keeps you cool and being in the rain - it was cooling and you dry quickly. Forget fancy hairdos or lots of makeup. The dry season – Apri; to October was glorious - an even temperature around 27 degrees and lower humidity.

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I remember my first year living in Cairns. At first, I thought I wouldn't cope. Showers three or four times a day and no energy. I got used to it and found I had to avoid all synthetic clothes - linen and cotton - loose with no sleeves. I wore rubber thongs or latex shoes (leather went mouldy) and I got to enjoy the wet season, always having a patina of perspiration that keeps you cool and being in the rain - it was cooling and you dry quickly. Forget fancy hairdos or lots of makeup. The dry season – Apri; to October was glorious - an even temperature around 27 degrees and lower humidity. Having the right sort of house helps. 'Queenslanders' were built for maximum airflow.

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After 37 years we have never got used to the heat and humidity,In fact the older you get the worse it gets.I am now thinking This Global Warning Thing Is 100% true.


Of course it is. In a few generations QLD will be very unpleasant to live in, though I'm sure a few old sweats (no pun intended) will claim they adore it...

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..........think over the years we've come to rely on unnatural cooling aids TBH....!

.........houses with aircon.....huge shopping malls and cars all cooled artificially.....

..........years ago you relied on the breeze and a fan ....!

..........chose the time you went out......

...........more of a shock now......going from a controlled cool environment...

............into the heat of the day......

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..........years ago you relied on the breeze and a fan ....!



We lived in northern NSW before aircon. I can't even remember fans, although I'm sure they must have existed. Although we used to have electricity "brown outs" so maybe they didn't work when most needed. :rolleyes: I do remember (clean) nappies being soaked in water and hung around the sides of cots to keep babies cool.

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