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Hi all, we have recently been granted a 189 visa after a lot of stress, heartache and money! I am 41 married with 4 kids 5, 10, 12, 16. VISA granted on husbands quals (management accountant) and we have already visited Oz.

Now that the dream is within touching distance we are panicking! Mainly the financial side of things, we have a great life and beautiful home here in the UK and although it is something we want to do we are worrying that we may end up giving it all up and not getting a job! We want to live on the Gold Coast but presuming he is likely to have more chance of a job in Brisbane. Anyone know what things are like in the finance sector there?

We have what I hope is a healthy budget for a house but obviously will need to rent until we figure out the jobs/school/ location juggling act and we will eat through a lot of money in that time.

Apologies for waffle and I know no one can say it's all going to be OK but any advice would be welcomed.


Thank you ?

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Hi all, we have recently been granted a 189 visa after a lot of stress, heartache and money! I am 41 married with 4 kids 5, 10, 12, 16. VISA granted on husbands quals (management accountant) and we have already visited Oz.

Now that the dream is within touching distance we are panicking! Mainly the financial side of things, we have a great life and beautiful home here in the UK and although it is something we want to do we are worrying that we may end up giving it all up and not getting a job! We want to live on the Gold Coast but presuming he is likely to have more chance of a job in Brisbane. Anyone know what things are like in the finance sector there?

We have what I hope is a healthy budget for a house but obviously will need to rent until we figure out the jobs/school/ location juggling act and we will eat through a lot of money in that time.

Apologies for waffle and I know no one can say it's all going to be OK but any advice would be welcomed.


Thank you 




It could be cheaper if he went alone initially whilst he got a job, and then you joined him.

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Now that the dream is within touching distance we are panicking! Mainly the financial side of things, we have a great life and beautiful home here in the UK and although it is something we want to do we are worrying that we may end up giving it all up and not getting a job! We want to live on the Gold Coast but presuming he is likely to have more chance of a job in Brisbane.


Much of the Gold Coast is easily commutable to Brisbane. Accountancy is a very competitive field though, and most of the big companies have their headquarters in Sydney and Melbourne so it could be an uphill battle. One problem for accountants is that there is so much competition from immigrants from Singapore, Malaysia and Hong Kong. When I was in Sydney it had become rare to meet an accountant who wasn't Chinese! There is so much competition for accountants now that it's likely to be taken off the SOL.


Though I wouldn't normally recommend it - migrating is an adventure you should ideally do together - in your case I'd be suggesting he go out alone, find a job AND work in it for a few months to make sure he's going to be happy, before you join him.


If you were living in an old house and were unhappy with your life in the UK I'd suggest you just take the chance and go - but it sounds like you are risking a lot if you do that. After all, you may love it - but consider that every migrant goes expecting to love it (they wouldn't go otherwise!) yet about one third return. Those are not good odds when you think about it!

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Hi, I understand totally how you feel, myself, husband, 13 year old daughter and 11 year old son are emigrating on the 2nd of May! Neither of us have a job, I am a nurse and we are heading for Perth where there is currently a job freeze in the public sector! Like yourself we have a very comfortable life in the UK so there are obviously financial worries. I am going to have a year career break in the UK as a back up plan. My feeling at the moment are we have come to far and worked so hard to get this opportunity. We have no choice to try it! I cannot sit here in 20 years times wondering what if! Personally we have thought about heading separately but I feel this is a new adventure that we need to start together as a family. Good luck with everything.

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Also consider the effect on the schooling options of your 16 year old if it doesn't work out. To get into University in the UK paying local fees I beleieve you need to have been resident in the uK for the three years prior to entry, so this could impact on your 16 year old.

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Thank you,

It's probably our biggest concern. We don't intend to leave until she has completed her A levels May 2017 as it would cause too much disruption to her studies. She will then decide where to go to Uni, currently she wants to go to UQ and will be entitled to domestic fees there which bizarrely are a hell of a lot cheaper than here - what's that all about! But if she decides to study in the UK she will still be entitled to UK rates. Trying to cover all bases at the minute. Strangely she is the one most keen to go out of the children. if a boyfriend pops up I'm thinking that may change. So much to think about and preempt :(

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Thank you for the heads up, it's unlikely he will work in an accountancy firm though as his last roles were an FD of a non finance business and is currently a business consultant so we are hoping he has a few options. I'm hoping if we go that I can maybe go back to work too but no idea what, I'm thinking just something where I can meet people!

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