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Would the last person in Sydney please turn the lights out? (article with link)

Captain Roberto

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This is a really well researched & articulated article on the current state of the city. It's not so relevant to me right now, as I don't get out at night now with family life, but my kids will go out after 10pm a night in a few years if we remain here.


For anyone younger lot here who likes having fun, it's worth a read too.



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This is a really well researched & articulated article on the current state of the city. It's not so relevant to me right now, as I don't get out at night now with family life, but my kids will go out after 10pm a night in a few years if we remain here.


For anyone younger lot here who likes having fun, it's worth a read too.





What a shame. Sydney used to have a great night-life. I blame a nanny/police state for what has happened.


My two lads used to be out until all hours usually to music gigs then on to a dance/night club. Never got into trouble although witnessed a few incidents many a time. It would be no worse than many large cities late at night.

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.........Australia as a whole has changed over the last 15 years....

.........with King hits,glassings,and other atrocities given front page news....

.........the reaction has been to punish all who frequent the clubs and pubs.....


.........I visited Europa last year.....and as the article said.....

.........the night life in most cities is still a pleasent and well attended social activity....

.........streets given over to late night drinkers and eaters....

..........it's shameful it's slowly killing the lifestyle here.......as usual the majority punished for the few...

..........don't know the answer TBH......as can't understand why we seem to have more violence...

..........or what the answer could be.....

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Well the 'front page news' is controlled - It all goes hand in hand with the government and big business. So - really TV news and newspapers can't be relied upon. The news is tailored to suit their needs (I believe). The world is a big place, and surely there are bigger news stories than the kind the press feature on their front pages.


Now I don't live in the UK any more I hardly know what the latest news is there, as it's not important enough to make the news here. Which suggests that half of it isn't really worthy of being on the front page a all. I imagine it's the same here...


Anyway.. not a great deal us mere taxpayers can do about eh!

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........unfortunately news........influences

........rightly or wrongly ......

........the press has always.......sold a story....

.........and the impact is as the OP 's link has shown....

.........what to do about it........?

..........encourage our young people to act responsibly.....

..........frequent the places still open,........and show a need for them....!

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Article is a bit histrionic but I agree with the sentiment


Unfortunately there is a very bad tendency here to react to the media dramas du jour. 2 years ago, it was "king hits": net result is rushed in, ill thought through legislation that I agree has quite badly damaged the atmosphere in parts of the CBD and Kings Cross (especially the latter) and a number of businesses


It's not just lockout laws. The recent "new rules for drivers and cyclists" are out of the same box. As is the agitation for forcing a compliance bureaucracy for pool fences and suggesting all pools should be brought up to current standards without thinking once about the implications of that. As is much of the legislative fuss and noise about things like Uber.


The Feds are no better, changes to tax law in particular often seemed to be dreamed up on the back of a fag packet the night before budget day and dropped on the affected population or industry like a bomb with no consultation or phasing.....only to be repealed a few months/years later when people realise how stupid they were


Like most knee-jerk legislation, it doesn't really work. Drunken assaults are down in the Cross......but up in Newtown, where everyone now goes as it's out of the lockout zone

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This isn't so much about drunken violence as it's the prime real estate in Kings Cross... People can't/don't go any longer, clubs shut, sell to property developers for cheap and up go a load of apartments.


Funny that the Casino in Pyrmont and the new casino opening soon in Barangaroo aren't in the exclusion zone isn't it... $$$ talks.

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Drunken assaults are down in the Cross......but up in Newtown, where everyone now goes as it's out of the lockout zone


They've brought the lockout into Newtown too now which is BS as it will just push people further and further out of the city. They are really shooting themselves in the foot with this legislation.

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The biggest item that sorted out major problems in Liverpool in the uk back in the early 2000 was complete cover by CCTV of the city center along with a manned control room with direct radio links (via pub watch) to all liecensed premises and the police.

while the problem didnt go away completeley it certainly had a major effect on cleaning the place up.

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