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Parents visa 143 0r 173


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Hello everyone,

I am back on this website after 2 years.When I was struggling to get my pr in Australia ,u guys helped me a lot with my different queries. Today I am back with another quick question and m 100 percent sure I will definitely get a correct and positive reply from the members of the website.

Actually I got my citizenship in Australia last yr and planning to bring my widow mother to live with me for rest of her life. I have a brother who will get his permanent residence shortly in Australia and is currently living with me in this country.. Therefore I wonder do I need to spend a lot of money to apply for our mothers' permanent residency. And is subclass 143 visa only the option..

Your responses will be much appreciaited.

Thank you.

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There are two categories of parents visas - contributory and non-contributory.


The non-contributory visa is the less expensive category (approx. $3900) but the processing period is 10+ years. DIBP quotes 30 years on their website


The contributory visa (e.g. 143) is the more expensive category (approx. $50,000) but the processing period is approx 2 years.

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Guest Guest115110

Note that the non-contributory category was put to a cap and cease in 2014 before the DIBP started accepting applications again. There is no saying when this will happen again.

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