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Personal tip for coping with the immigration process...!


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If you're about to embark on the arduous journey of applying for your Australian visa, you need to know that you are going to require tons and tons of motivation, encouragement, patience and strength. It is something we did not have 7 years ago when we first attempted to immigrate to Australia. When we started our immigration journey again last year March, we made a lot of changes to ensure that we did not lose motivation or get derailed by anything or anyone. We hope that the tip we are about to share may help you in the same way...


One thing that has helped us more than anything through the whole process, is keeping a personal blog! We have never been into blogging / "vlogging" / twitter and whatever else but when we decided to start up a blog right at the start when we employed our migration agent. We use it to document every stage of our immigration journey. We can honestly say that by documenting every little milestone along the way, we ensured that when discouragement started to set in or we felt anxious, it has made such a difference to be able to read back on all the little successes along the way. Everything from the day we completed the IELTS test, to getting the IELTS results, to sending off our skills assessment to AITSL and then receiving the positive skills assessment outcome certificate in the post! Literally everything.


My husband doesn't get too involved in the actual writing of the posts, but he gets the updates sent to his email account to read them as I post them. He said it has helped encourage him to read through the dreams we share and see how far along we have come since we first started the visa application process, especially when he is stuck at work and not having a great day!


We thought we would share this tip in case it helps anyone else. We have also found that it helps to share the link with friends and family who ask the same question over and over. We let them have access to the blog so they can read the updates and see where we are at with the whole immigration thing!


We are most likely going to carry on with the blog in the future when we finally get to Brisbane! It is a fantastic keepsake for the children, who can one day look back on everything mom and dad had to do to get the family over to Australia from the UK.


Best of luck in your migration journey, whatever it is!


Paul and Tracey

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People will have various ways of distracting or coping with the migration process. For myself and my wife, life simply continued and we stayed busy and active with our work, hobbies and friends. In the end we became too busy and were not able to afford time for the migration hence the appointment of an agent to do some of the leg work for us.


My tip is don't amerce yourself full in the migration in case it leads to disappointment, simply have it progressing in the background. We did not tell family until granted.



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If you're about to embark on the arduous journey of applying for your Australian visa, you need to know that you are going to require tons and tons of motivation, encouragement, patience and strength. It is something we did not have 7 years ago when we first attempted to immigrate to Australia. When we started our immigration journey again last year March, we made a lot of changes to ensure that we did not lose motivation or get derailed by anything or anyone. We hope that the tip we are about to share may help you in the same way...


One thing that has helped us more than anything through the whole process, is keeping a personal blog! We have never been into blogging / "vlogging" / twitter and whatever else but when we decided to start up a blog right at the start when we employed our migration agent. We use it to document every stage of our immigration journey. We can honestly say that by documenting every little milestone along the way, we ensured that when discouragement started to set in or we felt anxious, it has made such a difference to be able to read back on all the little successes along the way. Everything from the day we completed the IELTS test, to getting the IELTS results, to sending off our skills assessment to AITSL and then receiving the positive skills assessment outcome certificate in the post! Literally everything.


My husband doesn't get too involved in the actual writing of the posts, but he gets the updates sent to his email account to read them as I post them. He said it has helped encourage him to read through the dreams we share and see how far along we have come since we first started the visa application process, especially when he is stuck at work and not having a great day!


We thought we would share this tip in case it helps anyone else. We have also found that it helps to share the link with friends and family who ask the same question over and over. We let them have access to the blog so they can read the updates and see where we are at with the whole immigration thing!


We are most likely going to carry on with the blog in the future when we finally get to Brisbane! It is a fantastic keepsake for the children, who can one day look back on everything mom and dad had to do to get the family over to Australia from the UK.


Best of luck in your migration journey, whatever it is!


Paul and Tracey


great reading this and your journey.


Ive done something similar by getting a Oz diary and marking all our milestone events along the way since last year when we started. Again I thought it would be nice to look back at in years to come. I get excited to fill it in with new things, this week we applied for our visa via our agent so that's being added tonight!


Good luck in your journey

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