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Shipping AUS to UK – any advice?


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Hi everyone,


My wife and I are planning to relocate from Sydney to UK after 6 wonderful years in Australia – and as such will be shipping some or all of our goods back that way.


Has anyone got a recommendation for a company to use? We're still undecided about whether to ship our car and motorcycle, or just sell here and go with a smaller container of household items.


All thoughts most gratefully received :)

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I'd not bother shipping the car. Or bike. Cars are cheaper in the UK, chances are bikes also. Why spend the money shipping. Price up what your car costs over there and the bike. Unless its a classic car or something but otherwise, nah.

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we returned late last year. I did a lot of research. these were my findings.

Many shipping companies wanted to get their workforce to pack the box and they would only use NEW ones.

We had many of our own original boxes form movie in the first instance so were happy to reuse if we could.

I used Trans international.

We decided NOT to take any furniture home, we sold EVERTHING on FB pages and in the end had 32 boxes coming to 5 cubic meters. Cost us $1500 and because i was able to pack myself, NOTHING was broken when it arrived in the UK and all boxes were FULL!(when we arrived in OZ we were amazed how much free space were in some of the boxes packed by the UK shipping company.


When we arrived back in the UK the UK side were amazing with detail and communication. I would, with out fail recommend trans international.

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I did a shared half container of furniture from Adelaide to the UK last year. I used Grace and they were competitive and helpful. Not worth bringing car etc.,as they are cheaper here and there are more models to choose from, bearing in mind that petrol is a more expensive in the UK than in Australia. I had a problem with my Australian TV, as it wouldn't work here so had to buy another one. It took 6-8 weeks for my stuff to get here, but that wasn't a problem for me. Everything was packed very well and arrived safely apart from a couple of very small breakages. The removalists this end were good too. Grace did all the paperwork which is a big bonus.

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Hi Kanga,


Can I ask what TV it was that you shipped back? I am looking to take my Samsung smart TV back with to the UK this year and I read a few things online which lead me to believe it would work back in the UK?


Thanks for your help!

Some tvs now can be altered on their internal computer settings to receive different transmission signals but they will work regardless with set top boxes, of which there are endless options for here.

We used Kent from Brisbane, after getting 4 quotes, and got on fine with their rep who was a Brit, good organisation and packing , well organised delivery once they got the date of the ships arrival sorted, I insured thro the insurer who advertises on here and that was cheaper but involved pricing things ourselves.

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Hi Britsabroad2013,

I shipped back a Samsung smart TV too, it was only a year old. I had someone come to the house to adjust the TV aerial and set up the TV. However, when he went into the Menu section it was only set up for Australia/New Zealand. I did query the top box issue, but he didn't think it would work.


Looking at the response from BacktoDemocracy, it could be I have been given the wrong information. I also asked at the local Currys store here, but they didn't seem to know either! I also did some research on the internet before I left Australia, and got the impression that although some people managed to get their TV to work, quite a lot had the same problem as me.


Hope this helps!

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W have just used OSS world wide shipping from Brisbane to isle of Skye. 40foot sole use container ( including our car, a 2011 Nissan Patrol, that IS NOT cheaper to buy here) cost $10,500. Most competitive quite we got and do far they have been brilliant.


Not it sure why everyone thinks cars are cheaper here, yes, if they are over the MOT requirement age ( more than 4 years old ) and particularly around 8 plus years. But new cars or 2/3 year old they are about the same. We priced our car here ( although they only have upto 2009 model) was around £15k if we sold our car in oz ( current book price around $35) we would have roughly enough yo buy an older model without the improvements ( ours has bull bar, roof rack, big tyres/ second battery and fitted with lighting got camping and various other bits) we weighed that up and decided we wanted the car we had bought from new and knew all about mechanically rather than buying a second hand one) we did buy a second hand 11 year old Volvo v40 fir £1200 too.


So do it really depends on your quote for shipping, the age, make model of your car and what you will lose from selling and re-buying. .

the little bit we would lose bringing ours over wasn't worth the hassle of finding a similar car here. Which would be older and not as good.

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we returned late last year. I did a lot of research. these were my findings.

Many shipping companies wanted to get their workforce to pack the box and they would only use NEW ones.

We had many of our own original boxes form movie in the first instance so were happy to reuse if we could.

I used Trans international.

We decided NOT to take any furniture home, we sold EVERTHING on FB pages and in the end had 32 boxes coming to 5 cubic meters. Cost us $1500 and because i was able to pack myself, NOTHING was broken when it arrived in the UK and all boxes were FULL!(when we arrived in OZ we were amazed how much free space were in some of the boxes packed by the UK shipping company.


When we arrived back in the UK the UK side were amazing with detail and communication. I would, with out fail recommend trans international.



this is my first post :)

Thank you for the recommendation. I was wondering whether it was worth selling all the furniture and buying again in the UK or do you think it ended up costing more/less or maybe evened out in the long run? We plan to move back to the UK next year and sell all the furniture as you did, overall do you think you did the right thing? Thanks in advance. :)

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Thank you for the recommendation. I was wondering whether it was worth selling all the furniture and buying again in the UK or do you think it ended up costing more/less or maybe evened out in the long run? We plan to move back to the UK next year and sell all the furniture as you did, overall do you think you did the right thing? Thanks in advance. :)


Firstly, I'd suggest checking out furniture prices online. Because it's been years since I had to buy big furniture like lounge suites, I was horrified at the prices when I arrived in the UK and regretted not shipping more stuff. So make sure you're up to date with what replacing everything is likely to cost you. To give you a rough idea, get on IKEA's UK website and "buy" (add to basket) all the furniture you'd need to set up home - then see what your basket totals.That will give you an idea what it's going to cost at the cheaper end of the market - if you want more designer stuff then double it.


There are other considerations of course, like whether your furniture will fit in your UK home. That depends where you're coming from and going to - if you've been living in a big Queenslander then your furniture may not fit in a Cotswolds cottage, for instance. For us (coming from Sydney where flats are small), it would've been no problem.


Others have said their furniture doesn't look right in their UK home because Aussie furniture tends to be more contemporary. That wouldn't bother me, or at least not enough to throw away perfectly good furniture, but it does bother some people.

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