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457 insurance and reciprocal agreement


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I know this is probably a much asked question but I keep reading conflicting information and now I am confused.

Husband and I are coming over very soon on 457 skilled worker visas as doctors. I have a chronic disease that needs medication and follow up in specialist clinics. I am well controlled and work full time.

I know we need insurance on a 457. I also know most if not all companies don't cover the first 12 months.

So my question is: am I covered on the reciprocal agreement for prescription capped costs and follow up with doctors etc? We are both UK citizens.


Follow up question (not so pressing): The disease is SLE. Is this likely to be a deal breaker for eventual permanent residency? I am on a cocktail of drugs, all therapeutic and not for symptoms. But I am also very well controlled on this cocktail and work full time. Anyone have any experience of this?


Many thanks in advance.

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We came over on a 457 from the UK and cancelled our insurance as soon as we enrolled with Medicare. We were entitled to pretty much everything PR and citizens are. I have heard of people who have had exceptions to this but we didn't come across any ourselves in terms of GP visits, scans, prescriptions and blood tests etc.

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I know it's an extra cost but I honestly think you would be best advised to consult a MARA-registered agent like @wrussell


There are many pros and cons to living in Australia on a 457 visa and I assume you know that there is no guaranteed pathway from the 457 to PR. For some people, especially those who aren't certain they want to remain in Oz long-term, the 457 can be the right choice, but it's complicated especially if you have health problems so I'd say an agent would be a big help.

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That's excellent news. We will probably still get a decent insurance package just in case but the main worry is the lack of 12 month cover for the SLE - prescriptions and occasional bloods being the issue! Otherwise I am pretty decent and stable and just get on with things! :)

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Thanks Marisawright. I think we will worry mostly about PR when the time comes. We can have 4 years on 457, plenty of time to prove I'm not going to cost the earth with my healthcare and establish ourselves as useful to Australia, then we tackled the rest of the issues at that time. :) The 457 is the most pressing concern right now.

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Thanks Marisawright. I think we will worry mostly about PR when the time comes. We can have 4 years on 457, plenty of time to prove I'm not going to cost the earth with my healthcare and establish ourselves as useful to Australia, then we tackled the rest of the issues at that time. :) The 457 is the most pressing concern right now.


Proving you're not going to cost the earth, and establishing yourself as useful to Australia, will be of no interest to Immigration when you eventually apply. They will treat your PR as a brand new application, exactly as if you'd applied without ever having been in Australia. In some occupations, the 457 will get you exemption from a skills assessment but that's it.

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Then what do they base it on? I've heard that they will consider chronic disease on an individual basis but that it goes on likely costs you might incur...


Yes you're right, it's not just your past record but also future prospects. We had someone posting here recently whose mother got refused. She was on medication which was within acceptable cost limits, but Immi judged that in the long-term, based on typical cases, she might need more expensive treatment.


It really depends what your long-term goals are.


If you're happy to enjoy a few years' adventure in Australia and you're not sure whether you even want PR, then the 457 makes sense.


If your goal is PR and you're using the 457 as a way to fast-track getting to Australia, then I'd be researching your PR prospects thoroughly before you go - and I'd also be getting the 189 visa process started as soon as possible after you arrive in Oz. You never know what can happen in 4 years.


Just to give you an example, I have asthma. Living in the UK it was well-controlled, I used a low-dose preventer but no other medication. After I arrived in Australia my asthma exploded out of control (possibly due to the high number of allergens in Australia) and I was seeing specialists, taking three different meds etc., and my asthma is now classed as "severe". If I'd had a medical six months after arriving in Australia, it would've produced a very different result to the one I had when I applied for PR!


So, if you have a good record over a few years in the UK already, I'd be more inclined to go for PR right now on the basis of that excellent record, rather than take the risk that your condition might change over the next 4 years.

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Check what your drugs cost on the PBS. You will need to pay for each item on your prescription but costs can vary some drugs very cheap some around $30 per script. For example one drug I take I can get for $20 for 200, and another costs $30 for 28!

Once you reach a certain limit you can get a healthcare card which gives you cheaper prescriptions but am not sure you will get that on a 457. Unless you go to a bulk billing DR you will have to pay per visit and you will be able to claim so much back from Medicare.

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