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Poll; White Young Men Most Derided


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i totally understand what you're saying, just seems like opinions based on a small amount of trouble makers, same with every race, in my opinion more than 80% of young white men would be decent, dedicated people.... just bugs me when people get put into slots when the vast majority don't deserve to be tarnished


It fits into a neat pattern to be able to put a label on whatever. Stats can be used or misused to prove whatever the feature subject of the day may be.

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Wasn't referring to you Paul, but thanks for replying.


Hope,life in Tasmania is suiting you, we loved our 3 week visit.


haha phew... my paranoia kicked in... yes thankyou, think i've finally found somewhere in Australia that is dead set perfect for me... truely in love with tasmania :)

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I knew I shouldn't open my mouth/reply!!! Always contradicted, always wrong according to some.

Oh Well at least I got paid for 10 wasted years interviewing.


No one is contradicting you. I sense the sensitivity breaking through in spades though. No idea if you wasted ten years or not. Your call. Alternative experience suggests rather different outcomes in that game from my part. Hence I don't share your faith necessary in the collation of market research.

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