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Christmas Time


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Hi we finally arrived in Perth in September , have a lovely home and we are settling in well. I would like some advice on what people do about sending xmas gifts over to the UK. Can I order things form UK sites such as Argos and have them delivered to the UK address. What does everyone else do



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Thanks Cal


The calendars sound like a good idea, I have been sending birthday ect cards via moonpig UK , they get the practically the next day. Ill have a look at the hamper company, cheers


My older rellies love the calendars, i always try to get them with local scenery or animals ,any cheapy shop sells them.


Cal x

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Also companies like Snapfish do calendars where you can upload your own pictures, which are always appreciated, especially by grandparents - you have to post them yourself though, but worth considering for next year. I use amazon in the UK, can get all sorts from there - plants, wine, chocolates, biscuits, cakes, and every other sort of gift.

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I'm not doing much for presents, but have organised M&S to deliver a hamper and a bottle of nice rum to my parents - ordered via UK website using UK bank account/card. And have arranged gift vouchers for Hotel Chocolat to be sent to friends via email on 24 December. Cards sent in usual way, a week or so ago.

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