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UK Nurses in demand in Australia?


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Hi all,


I'm currently thinking of studying nursing at university to become a registered nurse.

I was wondering what the demand was like over in Australia (regional or city hospitals) for UK male nurses, and how long after completing the degree it can take to complete a move down under, and whether via skilled visa or sponsorship s best.


Cheers :)

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Nursing is still on the lists but there aren't as many jobs available as there once was (hospitals used to do recruitment drives in the UK at the height of the shortage). There are a lot of Australian trained nurses now with a number of graduate programmes and at times there's been uncertainty if all graduates get jobs. Some places have job freezes from time to time (due to budgets generally) and here in WA recently there was some media attention that some hospitals were overstaffed. It also depends what's going on at the time - if new hospitals are opening there may be an increased demand.


It won't matter if your male or female when you apply for jobs. My preference would always be that a newly qualified nurse gets some qualified experience under their belt as this will make you more competitive in the job market and more attractive to employers. I'm not sure on the requirements for experience now in order to gain a PR visa so you'd need to check that out.


I don't see nursing coming off the lists, but job opportunities may not be as abundant as they have been previously.


Again - personal choice would be the independent skilled visa route, which gives you the freedom to move around and not be tied to an employer.

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From personal experience a year ago Perth were screaming for nurses for the opening of Fiona Stanley, but now its pretty hard to find anything. Agencies are still signing people up but no work coming through after 6 weeks - this is in paeds, not sure how other areas stand but can't imagine they are much different.

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Mental health good area to get into...always seems to be jobs available for that all over Aus in my experience as aus nurses trained differently in mental health..I've had pick of states n jobs to take the past three years....you need at least three months experience to pass the skills assessment you need for permanent skilled visa..I had just over 18months experience when I moved to aus but I met nurses in aus from UK who had much less experience n their options were more limited than mine (a lot of jobs want you to have at least 1 or 2yrs experience)..I also feel they struggled bit more where as I found the change alot easier so I would def recommend working for at least a year after qualifying n get preceptorship out the way, makes it easier all round..For sponsorship you don't need skills assessment but they usually ask for at least one year experience, sometimes 2, sometimes as much as 5...jobs for general adult nurses don't seem to be as abundant as i have worked with some who are struggling to find work when they feel like a change

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