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Doctors Appointments


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Hey all


Back in the UK you had to register with a doctor's surgery to be able to make appointments etc. but I've been told that's not the case here, can anyone please clarify? Is it that you can attend an appointment with any doctor you wish to see and not have to commit to registering with one surgery? I've got my medicare card sorted if that makes any difference!


I've also heard the term 'bulk billing' being used quite a lot but again, it doesnt make much sense to me



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You don't have to go to the same Dr all the time, so you have heard correct. When the kids are sick i call and see who can fit them in quickest (we have 3 surgerys close by they have been too).


Bulk Bill means Medicare pay for your appointment cost,most surgerys offer this for kids and some for adults... for example my Dr doesnt bulk bill adults for standard appointments and charges $64 ,on leaving the surgery i pay the $64 fee, then re insert my card and Medicare immediately refund around $36 back to me. If my appointment is just a quickie (For a B12 injection etc)the Dr will Bulk Bill me and i pay nothing. I have never taken the kids to a DR who doesnt bulk bill.


Hope this helps a bit


Cal x

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You can go to any GP you want to...providing of course that they are accepting new patients. (Some GP surgeries already have so many patients that they close their books).

If you don't like the first one you try...you can go to another the next time!


Under the Australian Medicare system the government refunds a certain amount for each medical service. Some GP surgeries accept the refunded amount only and will not charge the patient any extra. They direct "bill" the government for the accepted fee....and that is known as bulk billing. So that means you don't have to hand over any money. You need to ask a GP practice whether they bulk bill. Some do for all consultations...some for certain patients only, such as pensioners or children. Some don't bulk bill at all which means you are charged a consultation fee and then receive the designated refund from Medicare.

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You don't have to pay when you're bulk billed.


Less and less doctors seem to bulk bill these days. Have you noticed? Or is that just my location?


And where you do have to pay - sometimes you can claim back on the spot.


I use to have to pay and then trek off to Medicare in the next suburb to claim. And lines in Medicare were always so long.


Now I just pay by card and I get an on-the-spot refund straight back onto my card.


Yesterday I paid $60 and got $30 straight back

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