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John Zoro

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I'm sorry if we seem to be giving you a hard time. JockinTas is right: we're not trying to put you off coming to Australia - if that's what you want to do, go for it. We're just trying to put you off doing it in a way that could result in you being broke and homeless, with a baby to feed, and still with no right to reside in Oz. You're a dad now, you have to behave responsibly and that means taking less risks than you may have done with your finances in the past.

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My wife and I can earn more in australia.

Yes you can earn more, but you will only truly find that out when you're offered a job here. We all look at recruitment websites and coo over all the higher paying roles, but reality can be somewhat different, particularly when unemployed and keen to become employed!


There are less bills in australia.

Just not true. Yes renters don't pay rates and sometimes water, but it's not free - it's part of the rent. There's still gas, electricity, car expenses, insurance, petrol, groceries, childcare, taxes to pay etc...


It's sunnier in australia.

It is. At the moment it's beautiful: cool mornings and sunny days. But during summer it can be so sunny that just a 5min walk to the shops and back, can be sweaty and unbearable.


it's an english speaking country.

True dat. English is not actually the official language and there are many other languages and cultures here. But yes, everyone will understand you.

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Will just reiterate what the others have said. We have recently returned to the UK after 8 years in Australia. We certainly don't find that Australia was cheaper and depending on where you live now compared to most Australian cities, you could be a lot worse off because higher rents. Household bills are about the same. Running a car is about the same - petrol in Oz is half the UK, but you drive an awful lot more. Over all it is pretty similar.


Sunnier, yes. But, it depends on where you are as to how the weather is. We were in Perth and I had come to dread the summer - too hot to do anything other than rounds of cold showers day and night. Winter can be pretty cold and wet. Certainly Perth houses are not designed for winter with no heating or double glazing - my wife would sit watching TV with gloves and scarf on.

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