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Childhood vaccines


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I am hoping someone can help.


We are going to move to Australia as soon as our house sells, so without my crystal ball I haven't a clue when. We have three children who are currently 5, very nearly 3 and 13 weeks.


There is a possibility we will be over before my almost 3 year old has her next injections and I am really hoping we will be over before my youngest has hers. The immunization program in Australia looks very similar to ours but there seems to be some extra ones. Will my youngest two be able to carry on with their next set of vaccines or will they have to have the ones they have missed?



My eldest has had all that she should in the UK will she need the ones she has missed before she can start school?


Are childhood vaccines covered by Medicare (we will be on a 457 if that makes a difference)? Or do you have to pay? If so how much?


Many thanks in advance.



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Just bring the red books so they can see what they have had. They updated our books so it was complete and also then the vaccination history went onto the medical database that ties in with all the benefits etc.


I don't know exactly off hand atm but I know we could not claim the child rebate thing without ours being up to date with vaccinations (under 7). Had to have chicken pox and Hep B as extras. I paid for the chicken pox one which was about $50. I guess I could have gotten it free but they didn't have any in stock so I got a script and ran into the pharmacy in the building and got it so we didn't have to come back another time.


Also iirc they were toying with denying rebates etc to families whose children were unvaccinated. http://www.abc.net.au/news/2015-04-12/parents-who-refuse-to-vaccinate-to-miss-out-on-childcare-rebates/6386448

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Thank you. I was planning on bringing the red books just in case. The older two have had chicken pox do you think it is worth getting a letter from the gp to confirm? I don't want to miss the rebate because they haven't had a vaccine for something they have had already.

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Thank you. I was planning on bringing the red books just in case. The older two have had chicken pox do you think it is worth getting a letter from the gp to confirm? I don't want to miss the rebate because they haven't had a vaccine for something they have had already.


I was told by my GP and nurse here that had my son had visible scars from chicken pox they'd have recorded him as having had it and therefore no vaccination would have been given. As he has no signs and we are unsure he's ever had it when smaller, we had to have the jab.


If your GP is happy to give you a note to say they have both had it, easier I guess :)

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I was told by my GP and nurse here that had my son had visible scars from chicken pox they'd have recorded him as having had it and therefore no vaccination would have been given. As he has no signs and we are unsure he's ever had it when smaller, we had to have the jab.


If your GP is happy to give you a note to say they have both had it, easier I guess :)


Thanks, my eldest has a couple of scars, but the youngest doesn't. I will check there is no risk having the vaccine if you have already had chicken pox.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest littlesarah

It's fine to have chicken pox vaccine even if you already have antibodies - I had to have it as part of the MMRV vaccine (the only one I had negative serology for was mumps but it comes as an all-in-one so I had the whole lot!)

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Thanks littlesarah, that is reassuring to know they would be ok to have the injection.


Scars are nasty, but can be avoided by not trying to dry the spots up too quickly. I don't think calamine lotion is very helpful. The best thing we found was a tea tree based foam which reduced the itching and kept the skin moist.

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Just go to the nearest med centre. The jabs are free for the core ones, the extra ones over UK are fine, and if you're down as 'catching up' the childcare won't be an issue as the main variation is the dates/ages for different vaccines. medicare and Centrelink link up quite well now.


if you do get your own scripts from the chemist and pay, don't leave it in your car for a while as if it's a live vaccine and outside temp control it'll be useless and won't give any protection to the kids! just get it straight before going to doc's and stick it in a cool bag.


welcome to the forum (and oz!0

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Scars are nasty, but can be avoided by not trying to dry the spots up too quickly. I don't think calamine lotion is very helpful. The best thing we found was a tea tree based foam which reduced the itching and kept the skin moist.


Funny how advice changes we were told to use a moisturizer with my second daughter and she has no scars. Thankfully my eldest daughter's scars aren't too bad. Thanks for the tip.

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Just go to the nearest med centre. The jabs are free for the core ones, the extra ones over UK are fine, and if you're down as 'catching up' the childcare won't be an issue as the main variation is the dates/ages for different vaccines. medicare and Centrelink link up quite well now.


if you do get your own scripts from the chemist and pay, don't leave it in your car for a while as if it's a live vaccine and outside temp control it'll be useless and won't give any protection to the kids! just get it straight before going to doc's and stick it in a cool bag.


welcome to the forum (and oz!0


Thank you. Thanks for the welcome too, I wish I was in oz but we are waiting for the house to sell to fund the move. I just need as many things straight in my head as possible so posted now. So much to think about and organise!!!

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MenB isn't free over here yet, and probably won't be any time soon. We paid $150 X 3 for it (since 3 jabs are required). I believe the NHS now offers it to babies born from July 2015 and onwards, so maybe your little one qualifies whilst you're still in the UK.


Hi Naomi,


Thanks for that. My youngest has her second men b on Tuesday, she will get the third when she is one if we are still over here. The nurse said that two are enough but I may pay for the third if we make it over before June.


I think it is about £100 per jab here so a little cheaper in oz. Still trying to work out whether I get the other two done...



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I thought it was offered for free now on the NHS, I must be wrong! Not many people choose to get it over here, there doesn't seem to be much awareness amongst GPs (in my experience).


Sorry I didn't make sense in my last post. It is free for babies born on or after 01/05/15 and my youngest falls into that category so I don't pay. But my older two don't so I would have to pay for them to get it.


If we get over to Australia before July next year my youngest won't have had her third injection. The nurse had said two would be enough but I may pay in Australia for it anyway.

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