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So Many Visa Agents!!!


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Hi All :rolleyes:


I am at the very beginning of the process so am trying to find a Visa Agent, there are just so many.


We are moving from the Northwest UK to Brisbane and will be applying for a 189 Skilled Visa.


Are there any agents you would recommend?


Thanks in advance.

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I'm not sure whether this in an option you're considering but I would highly recommend skipping the agent and just doing it yourself. The instructions and requirements are generally clear throughout the process.


You would be amazed how many people we see on here that have had a refusal due to a simple mistake. That is a VERY expensive mistake.

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If your application is going to be straight forward then you may be able to do it yourself - a lot of members on here do. Where (good) agents come into their own is when the application may be a little complicated - at the end of the day you're then paying them for their expertise. All the regular agents who post on PIO have good reputations.

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I'm not surprised, however if it's a simple application (e.g. no major health issues or criminal records) then by taking time, checking details and submitting documents as requested from the clear list there's no reason you can't do it yourself and save some money. And if you have questions there's plenty of online resources and support, such as here, to help.

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