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Who to tell when we move back??


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We have a few members who have moved back so i am sure they will be along soon with some advice. I would imagine (if you get no answers here) a Citizens Bureau or Social Services office would point you in the right direction once you are there, maybe even the local town hall office.

Lots of luck with the move


Cal x

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We put ourselves on the electoral register, put council tax in our names and of course the utilities. We just completed tax returns and put our new address on those at the time of completion. Other than that, didn't specifically tell anyone.

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We did the standard change of addresses that you would do if you were moving within a country. We moved back into a house we owned so just advised utilities/council etc (again no different to moving within the UK).


When we started work we simply used our NI numbers and the tax got sorted from there - you will be on emergency tax initially so it may be possible to request a notification of your tax code prior to starting work - try the HMRC website.


We then re-registered with Doctors/Dentist and applied for a UK driving licence and that was about it from what I remember.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Just Depends how old you are? if you are not wanting to claim any pensions,you don't have to inform anyone.All you have to do is register with your local doctor.Make a appointment and they will give you a check over.Take a Written medical report with you.From your doctor you have here.

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Regarding emergency tax I was told by HMRC that my new employers should send in a Stat Dec form 1060L and tick tax code box A when I start work next month. This apparently avoids emergency tax


Yes, I started work within three days of landing, just declared that I had no prior earnings and it was fine. It is very unusual to get emergency taxed these days anyway. At worst it would be week one tax.

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Yes, I started work within three days of landing, just declared that I had no prior earnings and it was fine. It is very unusual to get emergency taxed these days anyway. At worst it would be week one tax.
Which isn't ideal either if you're back near the end of the tax year and on PAYE, quick call to HMRC usually sorts it.
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