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Parents visa for 6 month stay?


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  • My parents visit every year and have done so since I moved here 8 years ago.


    They stay for around 3 months and then leave for the UK / Europe. They have a camper van here and go exploring which is great with us (especially OH!).


    Anyway, they have sometimes decided to stay for longer that 3 months and have had to go to New Zealand or Bali to allow then to come back for another 3 months.


    They have now contacted me to find out if there is any visa that they can apply for that would allow them to stay for longer than 3 months without having to leave and then return?

    I have been trying to get them to apply for a parents visa since the beginning but the cost and other factors (stubbornness!) has always gotten in the way

    I have so many parents and family members staying with me at the end of the year that this could be an interesting topic for other people too...



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Yes they can apply for a tourist visa, rather than the ETA.




But, if they apply for the 6 month tourist visa will this prevent them from returning the following year?

I thought that there was a limitation on how much time you could stay for a subsequent visit (and a time period between) if you had spent 6 months here?

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I too am interested in this exact topic. Ours and my parents future plans are that my parents will come and stay with us for six months then spend the other six months in the UK on their canal boat. I read about a visa that allows visits of up to 12 months every 18months. Assuming that you have to have 18 months in between visits this would be problematic. Anyone know if there is a way my mum and dad can follow the sun all year round?

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I too am interested in this exact topic. Ours and my parents future plans are that my parents will come and stay with us for six months then spend the other six months in the UK on their canal boat. I read about a visa that allows visits of up to 12 months every 18months. Assuming that you have to have 18 months in between visits this would be problematic. Anyone know if there is a way my mum and dad can follow the sun all year round?



Sounds exactly the same as my parents. They escape the Brit winter and come here every year and then go to the UK and then tour Europe during the Brit summer. Every year they have had to break their visa by leaving and then returning to Adelaide a few days later.

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I had a look on the Immi site and also found this info...thanks.....just need the clarity on whether they can return again the following year....



Visitor visa - Subclass 600


The Visitor visa (subclass 600) is for people who want to travel Australia as tourists, for business or to visit family. It is a temporary visa.

This visa has four streams:


Tourist stream: for people travelling to Australia for a holiday, recreation or to visit family and friends. If you apply for this visa in Australia, you must be in Australia when the visa is decided. If you apply for this visa outside Australia, you must be outside Australia when the visa is decided.Business Visitor stream: for business people travelling to Australia for a short business visit. This includes making a general business or employment enquiry, negotiations or participating in a conference. You must be outside Australia when you apply and when the visa is decided.Sponsored Family stream: for people travelling to Australia to visit their family. You must have a sponsor who might be asked to provide a bond. You must be outside Australia when you apply and when the visa is decided. You cannot apply for another visa after you have arrived in Australia.Approved Destination Status stream: for people from the People’s Republic of China who are travelling in an organised tour group. You must be outside Australia when you apply and when the visa is decided.What this visa lets you do?


This visa lets you travel to Australia to:



  • have a holiday or visit family and friends in Australia
  • study in Australia for up to three months
  • engage in business activities while in Australia, provided you:
  • do not work for or provide services to a business or organisation in Australia
  • do not sell goods or services to the public.


The department will tell you how many times you can enter Australia and on this visa:

You may be allowed to enter only once. If so, you will need to apply for a new visa if you want to return to Australia again after you leave.

You may be able to travel to and from Australia as many times as you want while your visa is valid, but the time you spend in Australia cannot be more than the period of stay that you have been granted.

Common criteria




  • are travelling to Australia as a genuine visitor, for example as a tourist, for recreation or to visit your family and friends;
  • have access to adequate funds to support yourself during your visit;
  • are of good character and health;
  • have private health insurance (or equivalent) and a 'fitness to travel' certificate from a doctor if you are over 75 years of age;
  • have no debts to the Commonwealth;
  • will comply with any condition imposed on your visa


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I read something about a 5 year multiple entry parent visa a while ago, they can come in and out as much as they like as long as they don't stay for more than 12 months at one time, if they do the visa ends. This info may be outdated as I didn't really look into it that much.




found the page I was looking at, they can't stay for more than 12 months in an 18 month period





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