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It's true there are some people who just want to vent their bitterness and resentment about their Australian experiences, but there are many others here who just want to help by trying to present a balanced view of Australia rather than trying to pretend it's all milk and honey and paradise.


Let's take your analogy a step further. Let's say you got into a relationship with a woman online. She seemed like a dream come true, and you married her. Then she took off with all your money and left you bankrupt.


Then you meet a man who is about to marry that same woman. What would you do - keep quiet and move on, or feel it your duty to warn the poor sod?



I think it's natural to have a good vent, particularly if things haven't worked out as you'd hoped with regard to moving out here. It's part of the human condition to have a bit of grumble from time to time, and we all do it, whether we care to admit it or not! :smile:


I do think it would be a bit mean if people who hadn't liked Australia (and had returned home) tried to put off others from coming out here, just because they had some kind of an agenda. We're talking about people's dreams and aspirations here after all, and trying to dissuade someone from following their dream seems wrong to me. Fortunately, I don't think that that happens much on PIO. That's just my take on reading the forums over a fair few years now, but other posters will see things differently I'm sure. I think if you're making the big move out here then it's a good idea to take into consideration the experiences of those who came before you, whilst remembering that their experiences won't necessarily be yours.


Oh, and I'd especially recommend Australia to people living in the South-East of England and working in social work. If you come out here then I'm happy to take your job when I make it home! :wink:

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I went to Bottom of the Harbour on Sunday and had excellent crumbed hake and chips. [ATTACH]30655[/ATTACH][ATTACH]30656[/ATTACH][ATTACH]30657[/ATTACH][ATTACH]30658[/ATTACH]



I preferred Bottom Of The Harbour to Doyle's famous restaurants.

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