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just stopped crying!!!!

the hutchies

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hi all

had a really bad couple of days! we "sold" our house in feb, hoping to be in oz by sept this year only to get the dreaded phone call on tuesday telling us things didn't look good from our buyers side, he couldn't get the mortgage he originally applied for he has p****d us about for all this time and then casually told us he could go no further. had to tell every one now house not going through which set me off again,:cry: back to square one now house back on market dreading all the time wasters just being nosey. but fingers crossed for us this is our last stumbling block.

time wasters should be fined they shouldn't be allowed to get away with building peoples hopes up then shattering them. :policeman:


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Guest ac man



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Guest snoo

Ahh Lise, don't cry....honestly it's all out of your control, there's absolutely nothing you can do about the toss-pots of this world!! You need to get back into the possitive frame of mind that you had before!! You will soon enough be having the time of your life....think of this as a minor blib on your journey to where you want to eventually be!! God! Listen to me....I sound like a flippin' Buddist Monk or Ghandi or someone.....when I'm really a neurotic nutter!! Think i'll take a leaf outa own book!! I know what it is...it's this bloomin' Russian Vlodka I started drinking an hr ago to help me with my strains & stressess!!

So..........I'm in Blackburn, pop round for a V&T and all of your problems will fade away!!


I'll have one for you Lise in the meantime!!


Good luck and take care of yourself!!


Lisa, x

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Guest yvonne and paul

Unfortunatly time wasters are a fact of the housing market. Don't forget your estate agent will get paid a lot of money for 'selling' your house, make them earn it! get them to only allow prospective buyers around who can realisticaly afford to actually buy your house and possibly have a mortgage agreement already sorted. Also only show your house on one or two days a week and get the estate agent to show them around one after another (they will make sure thay have no time wasters then!) This way you only have to have 'show room' standard on those days.

Good luck.


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Guest Bonzer Sheila
Specify to the estate agent that you only want viewers who are in a genuine position to buy. We did and boy did it cut down the number of timewasters.


Very good advice.

Last week I accompanied a friend who was viewing a couple of different houses which were on with the same agent - the agent kept stressing to her as a prospective buyer, how desperate one set of vendors were to sell. He told us they were emigrating to Australia (!?) and was sure there was a deal to be struck. He even told us how much less the vendors were asking in comparison to what they'd paid for the house 18 months ago…and the other day rang her up to tell her that the house had dropped another 10K. If he’d been my agent I would have been livid. I even thought of leaving these poor people a note saying 'change your agent and DON’T tell the next one why you’re selling!!'

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Guest Sandra,Mike and boys

Really sorry hear about your bad news. Its pretty lame to say try not to get too down, but anyway - try not to let it get you too down hun!!! Think of yourself already in Oz and I'm sure it will happen sooner than your think.

I also think the advice re only showing the house on one or two days of the week and not letting agents know you are emmigrating sounds good to me.

Wish you lots of luck


Sandra XX

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Guest pabloke99

I feel for you, but it really is the worst possible time to be trying to sell, I certainly wouldn't buy a house in the current climate unless it was being sold at a rock-bottom price. Have you considered letting the house while you're in Oz, this is a road that we've been forced down ourselves and although it means a little more legwork and a little more stress, it may offer a way-out of this current dilemma.

Good Luck (even though you support Man U)

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Guest kdal

Oh Lisa, So sorry to hear your sad news hun and I hope that you get a new buyer soon.

Your right they should be fined, a non-refundable deposit should be taken once they want you to take the house of the market.


Big hugz x

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hi all

thanks for all your support it means a lot. i know there is a few of us in the same boat.

just found out that a couple we know of returning from NZ were interested in our house but offered on another property cos we had "sold" their purchase has fallen thro so hopefully they are still interested xx

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Guest mandy1


Onwards & Upwards gal! Take a big deep breath and just get back into the swing of the old house selling game. There is nothing you can do about whats happened and as frustrating as it is its bound to come right in the end. As for the buyer that dropped out, well lets hope he gets a bit of what you're going through when he finds a house he can afford (a bit of karma is whats needed)!

Best of luck and big hugs

Mandy x

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