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Are we kidding ourselves ?


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Hell yes i am happier. (i dont wear a frock hahaha) With my bonus it almost 200k ayear.

Now, my motivator is not money. Hell, i had it tight here as well as back in blighty. Have had good and then bad.

Here in 2008 when GFC kicked in i suffered (was mining contractor and ABN for Training/Assesment for mining and also for transport training.)

Was a month away from losing my house. Was to the wire........... its the 2nd mining dip since i have been here and i am still here. :-) a boom will arise again because same was said last time on the 1st crash. And ..... we had another boom. Now a crash........ and it will rise again.

I am in a secure mine with BHP. An Assest mine. Still taking on people to bring crew numbers up.

House prices not going up everywhere.......... Australia is having a dip as it rode the storm of previous few year. But....... opportunity exist here. Far more than U.K. You must be seeing with a closed mind and eyes shut.

I LOVE what i do in mining. I stay away for 2 weeks but home for one week too. I also have paid holiday so if i take a swing off (2 weeks) i have a month off :-) I have 4 weeks holiday a year. So i do have quality time at home. Also, there re flexible rosters with BHP and an example are 2 crew members that alternate rosters, eg work for 2 weeks, week off then roster 2 week off then week off then return fpr 2 weeks. Or there is a 2 week on roster then 2 week off roster. 100k for working 6 months a year.......

Just because mining boom over does not mean its ended. Does not mean mining ended. Does not mean mining jobs not available. It means the lazy and half motivated/driven whinging people have to try harder.......

I had it tough here, but i fought for what i wanted and have a lifestyle and future that suits my wife and i to a tee. Like i said, nearly lost it all in GFC 2008 crash but i turned it around. I appreciate what i have. I live in the tropics of northern beaches in Cairns and love where i live.

Australia pisses all over England and always will. And this comes from an englishman.....

I am coming back to England next April for 6 weeks (long leave) :-) and i will enjoy it as before, but i will enjoy leaving for home (Australia)

As for whinging poms complaining of lack of sun or too much sun........ Jeez..!!!! Aussies here gradually found out i was not of same mould as other poms who quite frankly, are an embarassment to my previous homeland.........




I mi will answer you in a bit I'm just having my tea

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If it was such a positive step, why are you here on this website? Who are you trying to convince?


Surely you could ask literally anyone on the forum the same question ? I enjoy this forum. Ah yes I am in denial, I am just trying to convince myself it was the right thing ;)

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Hell yes i am happier. (i dont wear a frock hahaha) With my bonus it almost 200k ayear.

Now, my motivator is not money. Hell, i had it tight here as well as back in blighty. Have had good and then bad.

Here in 2008 when GFC kicked in i suffered (was mining contractor and ABN for Training/Assesment for mining and also for transport training.)

Was a month away from losing my house. Was to the wire........... its the 2nd mining dip since i have been here and i am still here. :-) a boom will arise again because same was said last time on the 1st crash. And ..... we had another boom. Now a crash........ and it will rise again.

I am in a secure mine with BHP. An Assest mine. Still taking on people to bring crew numbers up.

House prices not going up everywhere.......... Australia is having a dip as it rode the storm of previous few year. But....... opportunity exist here. Far more than U.K. You must be seeing with a closed mind and eyes shut.

I LOVE what i do in mining. I stay away for 2 weeks but home for one week too. I also have paid holiday so if i take a swing off (2 weeks) i have a month off :-) I have 4 weeks holiday a year. So i do have quality time at home. Also, there re flexible rosters with BHP and an example are 2 crew members that alternate rosters, eg work for 2 weeks, week off then roster 2 week off then week off then return fpr 2 weeks. Or there is a 2 week on roster then 2 week off roster. 100k for working 6 months a year.......

Just because mining boom over does not mean its ended. Does not mean mining ended. Does not mean mining jobs not available. It means the lazy and half motivated/driven whinging people have to try harder.......

I had it tough here, but i fought for what i wanted and have a lifestyle and future that suits my wife and i to a tee. Like i said, nearly lost it all in GFC 2008 crash but i turned it around. I appreciate what i have. I live in the tropics of northern beaches in Cairns and love where i live.

Australia pisses all over England and always will. And this comes from an englishman.....

I am coming back to England next April for 6 weeks (long leave) :-) and i will enjoy it as before, but i will enjoy leaving for home (Australia)

As for whinging poms complaining of lack of sun or too much sun........ Jeez..!!!! Aussies here gradually found out i was not of same mould as other poms who quite frankly, are an embarassment to my previous homeland.........




Like I said in 2006 house prices were cheaper at this point in time the mining boom is over , commodity prices are low , construction projects coming to a end , unemployment is higher . These are all facts you just happen to be pleased because things are working out for you and for your information my other half earned more than that without going FIFO . Having said that it's no good having that earning potential if jobs are not available . As I said before it is difficult for people coming here now . UK has more opportunities , more industries than just mining and oil and gas . Holden and Toyota will no longer be producing cars in Australia , car manufacturing is still going on in UK on a big scale , Toyota is made in derby sold to Japan etc ... Actually you haven't got your facts right at all and you cannot say people are lazy if they cannot get a job when there are a lot less fewer jobs around now , people still have to work in the UK you know , your comments are opinionated and not substantiated by facts . Just because things have always happened doesn't mean they will continue to do so , history shows us this .


something Australia needs to learn work smarter not harder ....being stupid is far more detrimental than being lazy .

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So nice to see you back Shelly, I was only going to come back on, when you did. Sorry for any past upset.


Interesting above. I will keep it simple. Counting days to move back to England, but will get to point. We have brought if forward. Going back 2016, so eldest fits in for A levels, no international fees, and youngest starts high school and makes new friends to go forward with. That simple. Hubby will come and go with airline career, but I stand up and say I am going back with kids, set them up, end of story.


My mom now has kidney cancer, I doing right by her, It just re advises me life is short, do what you want to do. Australia is great for some. Good on you, you don't have to explain. Deep down we all know what we want to do. I am leaving on good terms and moving back to England next year. Cause right by my kids. Let's all go for what we want. Bless to all.


I sooo like you Bristoleman, cause for someone who wants to move forward, (with kids) and have hope in knowing right to go back to England after 7 years, thanks.

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So nice to see you back Shelly, I was only going to come back on, when you did. Sorry for any past upset.


Interesting above. I will keep it simple. Counting days to move back to England, but will get to point. We have brought if forward. Going back 2016, so eldest fits in for A levels, no international fees, and youngest starts high school and makes new friends to go forward with. That simple. Hubby will come and go with airline career, but I stand up and say I am going back with kids, set them up, end of story.


My mom now has kidney cancer, I doing right by her, It just re advises me life is short, do what you want to do. Australia is great for some. Good on you, you don't have to explain. Deep down we all know what we want to do. I am leaving on good terms and moving back to England next year. Cause right by my kids. Let's all go for what we want. Bless to all.


I sooo like you Bristoleman, cause for someone who wants to move forward, (with kids) and have hope in knowing right to go back to England after 7 years, thanks.



Hi kwiinaus ! No worries nice to see you too ! I think we all spit our dummy out once in a while lol . Sorry if I offended you too ! Sorry to hear about us mum hope all goes well for her ! And I'm sure you will do right by her , why wouldn't you its your mum . Glad to hear ya getting ya UK plans in motion . I wish you the very best kiwi :)

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Thanks Shelly, I have kept one eye on and hardly posted, and wondered where you were. You are good for all.


I think anyone who comes on here needs to be heard, respected, and supported. Some of these last posts have been quite negative.


Anyone who posts on here needs to be heard, right!? And as for me, I am going back to England in July next year with my children, hubby will come and go.


I respect anyone who has made it right in Australia, just not right for me. We have differing opinions on this forum, just if you can't cope, don't post negative, seek help or go see someone. I did, a hypnotherapist/counsellor and I consider myself very sane, just someone needing to clear the past, cope with the future and do the best that is in front of me. x Bless.

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Thanks Shelly, I have kept one eye on and hardly posted, and wondered where you were. You are good for all.


I think anyone who comes on here needs to be heard, respected, and supported. Some of these last posts have been quite negative.


Anyone who posts on here needs to be heard, right!? And as for me, I am going back to England in July next year with my children, hubby will come and go.


I respect anyone who has made it right in Australia, just not right for me. We have differing opinions on this forum, just if you can't cope, don't post negative, seek help or go see someone. I did, a hypnotherapist/counsellor and I consider myself very sane, just someone needing to clear the past, cope with the future and do the best that is in front of me. x Bless.


Lol kiwi , I'm negative nelly me I think I need change my user name to that haha . I don't need go see anyone lol I am of a sound mind believe it or not ! Im as mad as a box of frogs ! But keeps me young at heart ! Lol some love me some hate me lol not my problem I carny help that ! I either blow their frock up or I don't ! But that will be the same for everyone ! We are all different ! Don't worry kiwi I'm on the ball lol I'm not daft :) hope next year comes around fast for you but enjoy while you can :)

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Lol kiwi , I'm negative nelly me I think I need change my user name to that haha . I don't need go see anyone lol I am of a sound mind believe it or not ! Im as mad as a box of frogs ! But keeps me young at heart ! Lol some love me some hate me lol not my problem I carny help that ! I either blow their frock up or I don't ! But that will be the same for everyone ! We are all different ! Don't worry kiwi I'm on the ball lol I'm not daft :) hope next year comes around fast for you but enjoy while you can :)


You just described me to a tee lol

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Why are you new posters coming on all new and aggressive?? If you have differences of opinion at least say in nice way. Do you know the people who post on here personally? know you don't. So you listen to their opinion.


The fact you post here means you are not sure yourselves, so respect others.


We are all only human, we have different opinions, at least we listen to each other without negativity. Some for Australia, some are not. Treat all with support.










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well, whatever it is, it is what is. Not sure i can see the point of comparing really. if you are in the UK, then crack on, and if you are in Australia likewise (or anywhere else for that matter)


Totally agree! All this comparison stuff is just getting too silly for words.

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Look back over your posts Chels, are you really happy with yourself? You come across as defensive. Please seek help or talking if you think that is good. You'r choice. No judgement. All the best. x


I think he is just giving us his opinion on how he finds living in Cairns kiwiinaus. No worse than people who defend the UK. Why do you think he needs help? :dull:

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I think he is just giving us his opinion on how he finds living in Cairns kiwiinaus. No worse than people who defend the UK. Why do you think he needs help? :dull:


I don't know whether he needs help or not but in 3 or 4 posts he has made a point of saying what he has and how much he earns. Personally I couldn't care what he earns or how many cars he has but it does come across as a little defensive.

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Here I go again. I have not been on for a while, because of personal stuff. But what is all this squabbling? This forum should be about supporting, differences or not, moving forward, and achievements for each other when they happen, mainly moving back to UK.


There will be logical, or emotional. I fall into both baskets. But some of us don't have a lot of people to talk too, so lets support all. My own story is, I have brought forward moving back to England from Australia by two years, much to my hubby"s horror, but best for me and my children. So I am strong and that is that. x Kiwi. Just don't squabble over trivial on this forum, don't we all post on here because we need to be heard?? Be nice. x

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I never found chels offensive not at all lol he's entitled to his opinion even if I don't agree on points he made ! I think he's just showing what people can achieve in oz all good if they better off here ! What I find absurd people saying they living the lifestyle and it's amazing money blah blah blah far better than they had in UK which is fine if it's working out for them , but how can it be a better lifestyle to be on a 4:1 rota in the middle of nowhere ! Not seeing much just a bedroom like a prison cell ! Whatever blows people frocks up ! Living the dream ... About lifestyle not money they say ... Great ! Amazing ! Fill ya boots ! Lol not offensive though ! I'm pleased for him if that's what rocks his boat ! I just shouldn't of rocked mine that's all but it's a bit tuff now lol for now at least !

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I never found chels offensive not at all lol he's entitled to his opinion even if I don't agree on points he made ! I think he's just showing what people can achieve in oz all good if they better off here ! What I find absurd people saying they living the lifestyle and it's amazing money blah blah blah far better than they had in UK which is fine if it's working out for them , but how can it be a better lifestyle to be on a 4:1 rota in the middle of nowhere ! Not seeing much just a bedroom like a prison cell ! Whatever blows people frocks up ! Living the dream ... About lifestyle not money they say ... Great ! Amazing ! Fill ya boots ! Lol not offensive though ! I'm pleased for him if that's what rocks his boat ! I just shouldn't of rocked mine that's all but it's a bit tuff now lol for now at least !


Oh definitely, I don't find it offensive at all. Certainly not the lifestyle I would want but we are all different. I worked away from home for awhile years ago but hated being away from my wife.

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If it was such a positive step, why are you here on this website? Who are you trying to convince?


Amen sister.


Bristol, you are back in glorious England, during the 'glorious' summer, long daylight hours and all.


The amount of time you spend on here is, quite frankly, astonishing.

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