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Spouse Visa - Information Required


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I have been granted a permanent residency (subclass 189). I married after I had been granted the visa. Now I have to apply for a partner visa. I went to the immi website and found that we can apply for 100/800/820 visas. right now i am in India but next month 5th I will be in Australia. Should I apply for the partner visa after I go to Australia (onshore).


Any suggestions will be highly appreciated.

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The visa your partner will apply for (since you already have a visa) will depend on where s/he is at the time of applying. If s/he is outside Australia, then s/he applies for the 309/100 visa, if s/he is in Australia s/he applies for the 820/801 visa.

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Looks like you haven't activated your PR yet. I think you need to do that before you can apply for a partner visa. Partners of Australian citizens can apply even if both of them are out of the country but it is a bit different for PRs. A PR should be in the country to sponsor his/her partner but I know of a case where it wasn't strictly enforced.

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