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Everything posted by suryaprasanna

  1. I have been granted a permanent residency (subclass 189). I married after I had been granted the visa. Now I have to apply for a partner visa. I went to the immi website and found that we can apply for 100/800/820 visas. right now i am in India but next month 5th I will be in Australia. Should I apply for the partner visa after I go to Australia (onshore). Any suggestions will be highly appreciated.
  2. I have got an invitation to apply for 189. The documents which I have got till now are 1) proof of 2 years of education in Australia. 2) skills assessment as a Business analyst from ACS. 3) IELTS transcript showing that I have proficient English. 4) Transcript for Professional year in Australia form ACS. My question is that can I apply for the Visa(189) without the medicals and police check? I want to do the medicals and police checks as soon as the case officer gets appointed. I am right now overseas and the invitation expires on July 25th. Your help is very much appreciated.
  3. Are there any ICT Business Analyst with 60 points who applied before July 2013? I applied on 11th june 2013. Looking at the current situation I am planning to do a skills assessment again from ACS as a systems administrator and apply for NSW SS.
  4. now the visa fees will also be increased...:confused:
  5. My skills assessment is for ICT Business Analyst right now and I am thinking of applying as a ICT manager.
  6. Do you think I could get an assessment as a ICT manager. I have completed Master of Business in Information technology+ Master of commerce as a double degree from RMIT. It has subjects such as IT strategy, business intelligence, information security, database management. I already have a skills assessment as a ICT business analyst but, I am beginning to think that it would take a long time to get an invite as DIAC has released new rules from 5th August.
  7. Little background info. about me... I have completed a Master In business information technology from RMIT, then worked 2 years in a call center on 485 visa. As I was working I did not give much importance to IELTS and my visa ran out so I had to take a student visa again to stay in Australia (masters in business information systems) it finishes at June 2014. In May 2013 I got the required grades in IELTS and launched EOI(11/06/2013) as a ICT Business Analyst and 60 points (my age is 33 and I got 7 in IELTS ). I have still not got an invite and the chances seem very less as the ceiling would be almost reached. I think the options for me are to change occupation and get a different skills assessment or to try and take IELTS once again to boost my points (if I get 8 then I will get 20 points which will increase my score to 70 points). What do you think I should do? do I have any other option? any suggestions would be highly appreciated.
  8. suryaprasanna


    I had applied EOI (189) on 11/06/2013 as a ICT Business analyst and I haven't got an invite yet. I have noticed in this forum that people who had applied after me and with the same points (60) have got an invite so I do not understand why I did not get an invite? is it dependent on the occupation? I know it has not reached ceiling yet. :unsure:
  9. I had lodged EOI on 11/06/2013. Occupation is ICT Business analyst, I have claimed 60 points. I am expecting the invitation on 5/08/2013 according to the invitation trends in July. I have already completed my PCC and medicals before being invited or allocated a CO as I am sure that I'll get an invite and I want to finish the process as soon as possible. Although, I know that nothing can be done now is it ok to complete the medicals without the CO asking for it?
  10. This is good news!!! I think that visa date of affect is a misprint because in last invitation round (July 1st) [TABLE] [TR] [TD=bgcolor: #DDEEDD, align: center]Visa Subclass[/TD] [TD=bgcolor: #DDEEDD, align: center]Points Score[/TD] [TD=bgcolor: #DDEEDD, align: center]Visa Status date[/TD] [/TR] [TR] [TD]Skilled - Independent (Subclass 189) (Permanent)[/TD] [TD]65[/TD] [TD]27/06/2013 7.19.47 pm[/TD] [/TR] [/TABLE] and this round (July 17th) [TABLE=width: 2] [TR] [TH=bgcolor: #E0E0E0]Visa Subclass[/TH] [TH=bgcolor: #E0E0E0]Points Score[/TH] [TH=bgcolor: #E0E0E0, align: right]Visa date of effect[/TH] [/TR] [TR] [TD]Skilled - Independent (subclass 189)[/TD] [TD=align: right]65[/TD] [TD=align: right]24/05/2013 12:12:28 AM[/TD] [/TR] [/TABLE] visa date of effect cannot be 1 month less....:-) The points score should be 60.
  11. I checked the reports for 17th July just now, In the bar graphs it shows that candidates with 60 points have been issued invitations but, visa date of effect states the minimum points which were sent invites are 65 and cut off date is 24/05/2013. I can only think of a printing mistake, maybe the graph is wrong or visa date of effect is wrong? The first would be bad for me as I had applied for 189 with 60 points on 11/06/2013. The occupational celing of Business Analyst is 1380 and 881 have already been invited, which leaves me in a dreadful situation...:unsure:
  12. Is there no one who applied for 189 as a Business Analyst in June with 60 points? If so I may be lucky and my invite would surely come in the next round...;-)
  13. The ceiling has not been reached yet. In 1st july round 480 out of 1380 were filled. Reports for 15th of july have not been released yet, I think again 400 invites might have been sent that would leave around 400 more invites so I was just speculating if I do not get the invite in the August round then maybe I should change my assessment to some occupation in which ceiling has not been reached.
  14. I have got 60 points and had applied for 189 as a business analyst on 11/06/2013 and still haven't got an invite. I am keeping my fingers crossed for the next round. If I do not get the invite, would I be better off changing my skills assessment from business analyst to Database and Systems Administrators, and ICT Security Specialists? I think ceiling in that occupation will not be reached. People who applied for 189 with skills assessment as Business analyst and are still waiting for the invite post in this thread so that we can know what is our status.
  15. I agree with Tracy. I had applied EOI on 11/06/2013 but still have not got the invite so I am planning to take IELTS again and boost my score to 8.
  16. It would have been nice to get the invite but unfortunately my Occupation ceiling had been reached for the year and thus none of the business analysts were getting invited. The ceiling has been reset from July 1st.
  17. I also have 60 points and have applied on 11 June 2013. I am waiting for invite which I hope will come in the September rounds. My skills assessment is as a Business Analyst. In the 1st July round none of the candidates with 60 points were invited and the reports for 17th July round are not out yet. When they come out then I will be in a better position to predict when my invite is going to come. Does anybody know if the invitations are sent on the first day or are they sent on subsequent days also. For example, if the invitation round was for 1st July then all the invites will be sent on that day or will they be sent on 2nd , 3rd, 4th and 5th of July also.
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