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Apply from abroad ?


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For someone having a permanent visa, i know it's better to arrive first and then apply for jobs.

But living in such an expensive city like Sydney without a job is quite stressful..

My idea would be to apply from abroad and secure a few interviews and then move to the city for a few weeks to attend these interviews and continue the job hunting..

Does that sound reasonable ? Or being abroad while I apply will have me immediately disqualified for these jobs ?



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Unless you have highly specialised/shortage skills I wouldn't bother. Hard enough to get people to take notice when you're here. What do you do? Maybe if you're a nurse etc.... I'm in IT in Brisbane and for the most part the best way to get a job is to build networks and get in via connections. May be more professional in Sydney - there's also nonsense spouted about 'not having Australian experience' despite the fact that for IT, medical etc things aren't really that different.... No harm in firing off a few enquiries but don't be too disappointed if you hear nothing back.

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I don't think there's any harm in trying, make it plain on your cover letter that you have your PR Visa in place and are able to move within a short time period. One of the difficulties for employers with overseas applicants is often the wait period - they'll be wanting someone to start reasonably quickly I would imagine, and not wait whilst someone sells a house etc., A lot of companies also don't now offer financial assistance for the move.


Whilst it's a few years ago now, my hubby applied for a job here in Aus and we didn't have our visa - they replied saying that they wanted someone right away but liked his CV. Several months after, they contacted him and said a position had arisen, did he have a visa (we did at that point), they arranged a telephone interview and he was offered a position.

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I started networking on LinkedIn and twitter 18 months in advance of a move, and hadn't actually approached anyone directly about work or applied for anything, and was offered a contract.


The sector I work in (creative/advertising./production) has more of a internet based network vibe, less formal - but I'd say if you can find a way to subtly grow your network/interlope, do it. Start today!


it's only half the battle, but making lots of contacts works well for me. Most jobs I get are never advertised - i just get talking to people.

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I'm in IT. I stayed in Sydney for 1 month thinking that it would be very easy to find a job but I was wrong. So I went back to my home country and I'm now thinking about the best option to go back to Sydney and reduce the time I'll be there without a job. This city is so expensive. Thanks for the comments btw.

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For someone having a permanent visa, i know it's better to arrive first and then apply for jobs.

But living in such an expensive city like Sydney without a job is quite stressful..

My idea would be to apply from abroad and secure a few interviews and then move to the city for a few weeks to attend these interviews and continue the job hunting..

Does that sound reasonable ? Or being abroad while I apply will have me immediately disqualified for these jobs ?




It is kind of similar to what we did, secured some interviews before a trip over with the promise that we would be available within normal recruiting timeframes. Both got job offers on a holiday, so came back, packed up and moved over.

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