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go home to Uk, anyone who has had doubts. If illness a worry, go where your heart is.


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Hello again - my condition is Lymphocytic Hypophysitis. Basically my Pituatary Gland went haywire whilst I was pregnant and it wiped out all my hormones, stopped my body from producing cortisol (essential to maintain a blood pressure) and stopped my thyroid from working, so now I have to replace them all with medication/patches etc. I'm in agreement with whoever said that they feel they will be better once they are back home - when we visited last November I remember being able to get through the day without my usual nap that I always seem to need here in Australia, I also slept a lot better too - maybe it was because family were nearby, that's what I'm looking forward to again.


Yeahhh,i always feel like a nap here in oz,im always sleepy.whereas back in uk even if i try i cnt sleep.its really strange.i dont know if its the heat that makes me feel so drowsy

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I'm curious about how everyone is dealing with those people that are being quite negative about their move back to the UK? My in laws have been quite negative about it & it makes it hard not to get upset about it. My husband & I are still quite young & have no attachments here so don't really understand the big deal :/


We haven't actually told anyone yet that we going back next year.but if i were in ur place i'd ignore the negative comments, especially in laws comments lol.tell them to come and try it!!go with your heart,and forget everything else,its your life.

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Oh how awful for you. Is that an autoimmune condition? Let's hope in the near future there is more research done on this condition and a cure. Yes you will feel so much better being able to relax and improve when you know your family will be around.


Do you know where you are moving back to in England? By your family?


I wonder what the health care system is like back there now. I have been reasonably looked after in Ausi with my health. Of course it helps to have the private health insurance, which is compulsory in my case.


We have the chance to become citizen's, but to be honest, the money it would cost us I would rather spend on an evening out! Or take the money back to England!


Yes, it's an autoimmune condition primarily. I keep saying I might write a book on my experiences eventually just to get it out there - my Psychologist says it would be good therapy for me :-) My Specialist freaked me out a bit ago when she told me that this is mostly diagnosed at autopsy! - I'm a great believer in everything happening for a reason and I believe that I beat the odds with this because I need to be around for my special little boy.


We are moving back to West Yorkshire which is where both myself and my hubby were born and grew up and all our family are still there :-)

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Am I correct in thinking you are a nurse Huggy? and you have a job already lined up? Sure I read this on another thread.


Are you planning on working in England, depending on your health?


I am just wondering what employment is like in the health care sector over there. My background is in health; exercise physiology and nutrition. I am studying at the mo to get my foot in the door, allied health admin. I have a chance to do by correspondence a diploma in nutrition UK based, to refresh my skills. Just wondering what the status of health jobs, natural health, nutrition etc is over there???


Yes, I am a Nurse and yes I managed to get my old job back, it's just for a foot in the door really and they say I can choose my hours so I'm just working 2 days a week. TBH the tiredness really only sets in when I'm working and then dealing with my Son during the nights and on my days off but my Mum has already said that he'll be able to go to hers during the 2 days each week whilst I'm working so that I don't have to deal with him too. If it gets too much, I'll just leave as my hubby is going to a really well paid job and I really don't have to work - I just don't feel ready to give up altogether yet. My Employers are really good too, they know what I've been through so it should be all good.


In answer to your question re jobs, I was told when I was interviewed for mine that they are short on staff as they are pushing people up into Management so lots of recruiting there - not sure how it would be for natural health/nutrition though.

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I'm curious about how everyone is dealing with those people that are being quite negative about their move back to the UK? My in laws have been quite negative about it & it makes it hard not to get upset about it. My husband & I are still quite young & have no attachments here so don't really understand the big deal :/


So far haven't had any negativity about going back, but my answer to anyone who does act negatively towards us will be "at least we had the guts to try it!" :-) I can see how it would upset you being from the inlaws though but try not to let it get to you too much x

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I am so pleased for you huggy. A balance of a little work to keep sane and the brain ticking can be a god send. But wonderful you recognise if your tired, you just have to put yourself first.


I will prob go ahead and start the nutrition. This year for me is about studying and preparing. As I still have health issues to deal with, my youngest has just turned 10, and hubby is very busy at work, or can be overseas. We all need to recognise we are not superhuman and I will not feel pressured to work. Or think less of myself for not working. I put my children first, I study, I support my hubby and I am happy with myself. Others in similar situations should feel equally at ease, if it is an option. I know for some it is not an option to not work part time or full time, so bless them.


Marenmatt, what actually is your situation? Your in laws are in Ausi? Please learn to put your hubby and yourself first. When you married (if he is a good bloke) you become your first family unit. You are not answerable to your in laws. Yes we should look out for our parents of course, but you have the right to lead and own your own life without any guilt or change of plans. It can be tough to feel confident against in laws when you are young, but try hard.

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And you know huggy writing a book on your condition or experiences might be a very good idea. My sister and my niece nearly died in childbirth because my sister had a thyroid toxic storm (graves disease). All her naughty autoimmune thyroid passed onto my niece, who has many difficulties as a result.


Her experience was considered rare, and she is used as case studies. She is considering writing a book. Unfortunately with stress and modern age, autoimmune conditions seem to be becoming so common.


However with modern technology and science and research, autoimmune hopefully will eventually be switched off.

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Hey kiwiinaus, my in laws are English. They seem to assume that as they left England & love Australia that everyone should. My parents are aus but my grandparents were from the UK & Europe. I feel like we have no kids & we don't own our home so why not. We don't like it here so there are no real reasons to stay :)

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And you know huggy writing a book on your condition or experiences might be a very good idea. My sister and my niece nearly died in childbirth because my sister had a thyroid toxic storm (graves disease). All her naughty autoimmune thyroid passed onto my niece, who has many difficulties as a result.


Her experience was considered rare, and she is used as case studies. She is considering writing a book. Unfortunately with stress and modern age, autoimmune conditions seem to be becoming so common.


However with modern technology and science and research, autoimmune hopefully will eventually be switched off.


The Thyroid has a lot to answer for! :-)

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Hey kiwiinaus, my in laws are English. They seem to assume that as they left England & love Australia that everyone should. My parents are aus but my grandparents were from the UK & Europe. I feel like we have no kids & we don't own our home so why not. We don't like it here so there are no real reasons to stay :)


Are your parents still in Aus? Just to bear in mind that if you do ever have kids you may want to be near your parents :-) In the meantime though I would say go for it, do what you want to do now.

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