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Things to do in Melbourne - New arrivals - Flight Virgin

Kirsty Marie

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My partner and myself will be arriving in Melbourne at the end of September and we are planning on spending a few weeks relaxing before we begin looking for work. I have NEVER been abroad before and so I am quite anxious! Suggestions on things to do when we arrive? Would love to attend some music events..

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I have NEVER been abroad before and so I am quite anxious! .


Gulp! As a first place to visit abroad, Melbourne is one of the easiest ones for a British person.


My suggestion is hire a car and go out and see Victoria. It's wonderful. Great Ocean Road, Mornington Peninsular, Philip Island, Wilsons Prom, Yarra Valley, Dandenong Ranges. All within a day trip.


Have a look in Time Out to see specfically what's on. You're coming at the right time of year too. You'll think "hmmm, this is nice and warm" when it's 20C, then it just gets warmer and sunnier for the next four to five months.

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