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Road worthy in Queensland

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Hi. I need to get a roadworthy on my car and just wondering if anyone knows if it will fail because of a small chip on the windscreen. Also the rear view mirror has 2 cracks in it and don't know if it will fail on this as many cars/vans can't use theirs because they don't have rear windows. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks

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I think you only need to replace it if its in the 'windscreen wiper' area or if its a fair size. Not sure on the rear view mirror, but should be easy enough to pick one up from a scrapyard if you need to get one.

Id ring the test center or the mobile guy who is doing it and just double check


Cal x

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We have a chip in our windscreen and as it has been repaired, it is fine. They put some magic glue stuff on it, to stop it getting bigger, but it is still there. As long as it's not in your view, you should be fine. No idea on the mirror tho!

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