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Finding work


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I've got about 3 years waiter/bar work experience, and 8 years under civil construction (labourer/lead hand)


Some excellent experience there


I would not be worrying if I were you


But if you want to work in a bar or anywhere they serve alcohol, by law you need to have an RSA : Responsible Serving of Alcohol Certificate.


They are very easy to get, and you can do a one day course when you get here or maybe online before you arrive.








I did one years ago and they are extremely easy to pass - common sense most of it.

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8 years under civil construction (labourer/,lead hand)




You backpackers these days have got it easy, and you are so lucky.


So many resources set up for you to guide and help you.


When I did my WHV we didn't have resources like you do now. The internet, email, mobile phones and such like had not even been invented.


Nowadays you have the world at your fingertips - literally.


We had to rely on word-of-mouth, backpacker notice boards and mainly our own efforts. It was also a bad recession when I was here on my WHV but I never had problems finding work.


So you should be able to find jobs with so many different free resources at your disposal.


Worse case scenario.........Rub and Tug is open to both females and males :laugh: but lets not go there!

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Thanks for the PM tip SS


But I WAS playing Miss Innocent there :wink: was waiting with bated breath for a reply from PC


I saw a funny business name the other day on the side of a van. Name of business was "Suck and blow and away I go", advertising a handyman gardener. Thought it was very funny.


PC must be a bit dyslexic. The name clearly states a rub and tug (massage parlour) and nothing to do with anything else.

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Its 4 years actually! Started when I was 16, though the bar work is very limited due to I was not allowed to serve until I was 18.

I crossed over both jobs working 7 days a week for two year's, I'm not afraid of graft, though I know myself that I don't come across as the most confident person at interviews or socialness. Which will be my downfall. Suppose I've got until next year to sort that out...

Hoping to get labour work.. but I'll take whatever I can get. Minus the BJ's...ahaha


Let us know how you get on Stacy!

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Haha it was a surreal moment messaging that lol I did think you must be very sheltered if you didn't know but I thought I'd play it safe :laugh: parley definitely scurried away after you said it that haha.


I reckon you'll be fine Nick. Where oop North are you from?

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Haha it was a surreal moment messaging that lol I did think you must be very sheltered if you didn't know but I thought I'd play it safe :laugh: parley definitely scurried away after you said it that haha.


I reckon you'll be fine Nick. Where oop North are you from?



Originally from Sheffield. Definitely lost the accent though!

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I arrive on the 6th of November. Yes it's all booked and no I haven't been waiting to go on a whv all that time. I was in a relationship and we originally tried to come over on his job but couldn't and then we just gave up on the idea. I should have been studying in this time but I couldn't decide what to do. I really like my job so I might go back to it, just wish it was paid better

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  • 2 weeks later...

I was watching Border Control (or something equally stimulating last night) and a traveller got her visa cancelled, as she was lacking funds. Immigration reckoned that she had a tourist visa and wanted to work.


This won't apply to a WHV obviously; since you have permission to work.


But good idea to make sure all your paperwork is correct and you have back up emergency funds.........just in case immigration do a spot check.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Stacey


I landed in Sydney last Tuesday, had an interview on Wednesday and started work on Thursday. It's only a 4-week assignment as a Corporate Receptionist, but it's perfect to get me started. Sign up with the agencies and you shouldn't have a problem.

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