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Where would make more sense to go if I wanna save money from the outset..Perth or Melbourne?


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The way I plan on doing my WHV is more of like work hard first for 4 months and then travel as opposed to working and travelling simultaneously. Where then, makes the most sense to initially fly to? I have 2 friends in Melbourne so that makes there sound the easier option, but I'd also like to think in terms of how easily I can get a job, especially one in a relatively quiet town where my option to spend money will be limited. I really plan on the 4 months being composed of regional work that will enable me to come back for a second year. Speaking of which, does the second year visa have to be used consecutively from the first one or can you wait like a year between them? so, for example, my visa starts tomorrow, it will expire next year on april 20th. Can I wait til the following January to return to Australia or would I need to be using it on April 20th 2016. A lot of questions but if anyone can help at all that'd be nice

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Google Harvest Trail, download the guide, its 134ish pages long. It's brilliant for identifying what areas nd stated harvest what crops at different times of the year.


Well worth your time to do a little bit of homework if planning to go to a particular destination at a certain time of year. Also I think if would be luck of the draw if you can find a well paid job. A lot of farms try to exploit desperate backpackers by paying lower wages than what is regulated.


Sorry I cant be any more help as it's something I'm yet to experience although next year I will be in your shoes so will be very interested to find out how you got on. My plans are to work immediately for a few months to A) Save some money up and B) have the regional work in the bank so I can apply for a 2nd year if I want to come the end of the first 12 months. Pretty much the same as yours.

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The way I plan on doing my WHV is more of like work hard first for 4 months and then travel as opposed to working and travelling simultaneously.


The advantage of Victoria is that it's a compact state with lots of small towns, so it's a lot easier to move around that state than the vastness of WA. Having said that, work isn't available year-round so it's important to research what's available.



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Have you thought about Adelaide?


Even though this is my primary destination in Aus, I have been very surprised with how underrated Adelaide is.


It seems to be perfect for everything you want around you. Awesome beaches, vibrant areas (Glenelg in particular) great transport links (now the railway is up and running again) easy access to the Hills and probably the best/most consistent weather in Aus.

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Even though this is my primary destination in Aus, I have been very surprised with how underrated Adelaide is.


It seems to be perfect for everything you want around you. Awesome beaches, vibrant areas (Glenelg in particular) great transport links (now the railway is up and running again) easy access to the Hills and probably the best/most consistent weather in Aus.



It is in a slump economically, but this can be a good thing, as long as you can secure work.

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