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Wish list


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Hello, As our move to oz is rapidly approaching (with in next 3-4 months) I was wondering if anybody has any advise on What they wish they had taken with them but didn't!!

I was thinking about all the little things that get over looked when you are busily trying to think of everything!!


All advise greatly received icon6.png

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Yes it is asked loads of times, try the search function for this one and you won't be short of responses.


I don't mind answering again as I will keep it brief. There is nothing I wish I had brought but didn't. I brought my belongings but I did not stock up on anything as Australia has products.

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Have your own thread it aint against the law


Exciting times so close now


Bring everything you would miss from inside the house


For example:

If you have a pair of tongs you'd not be without don't think you can replace here bring them


This is dependant on space you'll have


Full or half Container? or suit cases?


As for food you can buy lots of English goods here in the supermarkets to get you by until you find an equivalent Aussie brand


I'm sure others will post their views to help you

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