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Wow..that will last you a while without working I think....unless you are a big spender!

Not a massive spender haha. It all depends on when/where I get a job if I need a car straight away. Weather I house share or try and find a place I can afford on my own from the start or not. Just going to take it all in my stride.

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Seems to me like you have a couple of options...


Option 1 ::: if you are at a very opportune time in your life, either living at (or at least can return to) your parents house rent free. You are happy living very frugally or are happy to work (or be looking for work) more than doing anything else and you can forego luxuries (like flying to a deserted island or whatever). And you have no intentions to stay in Au beyond your initial WH. If you were to last 2-3 months before coming home then you need to not think of that as a waste and a bad outcome.


In which case :::: Buy your flight, insurance, visa. Either have an open return (if you can get one valid long enough in the future) or have 900GBP aside for a flight home. Go with your 5k AUD, do what you'll do and then come home.


Option 2 :::: You value having the expeience that's right for you above doing it as soon as posible. You don't want to spend all your time either working casual work of whatever you can find, or scrambling for cleaning work to pay for your space on a sh1tty bunk bed. You would like to stay for the full year, possibly the two years, and you might even conside that you might want to stay (25, single, child-free - you might well do). You want to spend at least 50% of your time travelling / actually experiencing the country. You are the sort of person that worrie a little about money and you value peace of mind of not just getting by. You are happy to save for another year and wait it out.


In which case :::: wait, save, come over with 8kGBP. Look for contract roles with your skills from home, apply for jobs ahead of time, plan holidays and trips every couple of months (preferably the first few before arriving). Take your time, savor it and enjoy it.


Each of those scenarios are valid for the right person, but choose the one that suits you and you'll be fine. Good luck.

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Hey Stacey - I think you'll be fine with your planned funds. I think it was you who mentioned staying with friends for a few weeks? As long as you don't stay in hostels/hotels as your primary accommodation, I found it pretty easy to make cash last. I went with $500USD in hand (heaps more in my U.S. bank account) and it lasted me four months while I did work exchanges. Eventually I got it together to get a job and started earning cash. :) Australia is expensive, but it's accommodation and transport that drain your budget. I didn't move around much, and I traded work for a place to stay (and LOVED the people I was helping!)


Hope that helps!

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Hey! Nope it wasn't me that said id be with friends. I'm going to sydney first so staying in a hostel for the first week or 2 then taking it from there. If I can't find work then ill move on. My backup plan is either to be a au pair or do some work for accommodation on helpx. We'll see! I want to have fun the first week and then take it from there but I'm definitely going to try be careful with my money, it's the scottish blood lol. I'm really hoping I can find work, that's my main worry

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Stacey - as soon as you can just do it. I think there will always be reasons not to but I think you will regret it if you don't. If you wait too long something else will crop up that makes it more difficult.


I am going back a good few years now, but I did my WHV the year after finishing Uni. I had £400 so landed and just went around all the agencies within the first few days and was doing call centre work within the week. Nothing at all glamorous but between that work and bar work I always found something.

The other thing I did a lot was shifts at hostels for free accommodation - so manning the front desk in the evenings mainly.


Honestly it was the best thing I ever did. It made me in a lot of ways - gave me confidence and the realisation that I could achieve things on my own. It wasn't always easy and I didn't like all the jobs I did, but needs must.

It, along with travelling I did afterwards, opened my eyes to so many things and experiences. I really impressed myself on so many levels.


I think just do it!

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I'm definitely doing it :) I've booked something in Sydney which means that's if definite. I just need to book a flight now and sort out my insurance and save the rest of the money for spending. Going to wait till i get paid before I book flight, was going to wait till my birthday to book the flight but it might go up in price. Although I'm still really confused about wether to get a single or return. I don't want to waste the return portion of it if i decide not to come back within the year because it's £400 but I think if I was going to stay for 2 years then Id maybe be better splitting it up a bit. Like come back in November and then go back over after Christmas and new year. My other friends weddings in November next year. I'm missing my mums 50th while over there too, feel a bit guilty about that lol

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I booked onto a intro package thing. I know I didn't need to because everything's easy to do but it was more because I knew people on it and also because some of the activities were really cool but not necessarily easy for me to do alone like rent a boat etc. Plus booking it made the trip final to me. Hopefully I won't regret spending the money! So it says they sort out some of the paperwork for us in the first week. I'm not dead set on staying in a hostel for 2 weeks but I have one week included in the package and then I thought it might be easier for me to just book another week while I see if I can find work. I don't want to decide to get a flat, put a deposit down and then not have any way of paying my rent.


Also if I can get a return flight for £850 im just going to book it

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^genuine question... How does being in a hostel have any impact on opening a bank account or sorting out a TFN?


It doesn't necessarily, I think. One foreseeable issue is that your TFN paperwork comes in the mail. It sort of forces you to stay at the hostel until it arrives. I have vivid memories of putting a car ad up at hostels in a CBD and seeing giant bins full of government mail for people who had used the hostel as their address. In the few minutes I was there, a handful of people came in to dig through the bins and hopefully find their paperwork.


I've also been told (so potentially hearsay and not applicable in this situation anyway) that banks won't take hostel or hotel addresses when opening an account.


Not sure if I've clarified anything or made it all more confusing!

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I booked onto a intro package thing. I know I didn't need to because everything's easy to do but it was more because I knew people on it and also because some of the activities were really cool but not necessarily easy for me to do alone like rent a boat etc. Plus booking it made the trip final to me. Hopefully I won't regret spending the money! So it says they sort out some of the paperwork for us in the first week. I'm not dead set on staying in a hostel for 2 weeks but I have one week included in the package and then I thought it might be easier for me to just book another week while I see if I can find work. I don't want to decide to get a flat, put a deposit down and then not have any way of paying my rent.


Also if I can get a return flight for £850 im just going to book it


Sounds like you'll have a great time! And jump right into oz culture... Australians love "tiki tours!"

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November. I got told that if people come on one of these flexi tickets then that's what I have to pay. I found a return with etihad for £600 and I was like woohoo but then I found out i couldn't change the date. Although if I was happy to just come out for 9 months then I could probably get one for 600 -700. Tempted lol.


The sta travel guy actually said Id probably be better getting two singles. He said that tbh they don't tend to be that much more expensive from Australia unless it's June or July. I did look online and every one I looked at was $1000 but then I realised if I stay a second year I'll be 26 and won't qualify for their discount! I'll be old in their eyes!!!! :cry:

He said that when he went over he booked a return that was expensive too and then didn't bother doing the farm work because he felt like he had to come home because it was all organised and he regrets it now. Not sure if Id regret not doing the farm work but I know what he means about things being organised. It has it's good points and it's bad points

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In November you can fly London - Bali for 360 quid with Garuda. You can basically get to any Aussie City from there for $200 or less and you can spend a few days getting over your jetlag with plenty of Aussies for a few days round a pool in Bali.

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I looked at that way with Bangkok. I could fly to Bangkok with Etihad for less than £350 or probably any other places like that and then a cheap flight to sydney but it's not much use if I should get a return for the safety aspect incase I run out of money etc. Sounds cheesy but My hearts telling me don't get a return but my sensible head is saying get one

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