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Iron Chef Maybe you could help, or anyone for that matter....


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I have an old banger, so I have always envisage buying a 2nd hand one in Oz. I would want a car around £7,000 around 2-3 years old.


However and maybe @IronChef could help with this one...... Would it be worth buying it over in the UK instead beforehand and taking over? If so what would you recommend going for ie: Ford etc


Or would the shipping costs simply make it cheaper to buy in Oz? I have heard though that 2nd hand cars are VERY expensive out there which as made me consider buying one prior to take over (obviously over 12 months prior to going out)


Any advice would be greatly appreciated. :)

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I have an old banger, so I have always envisage buying a 2nd hand one in Oz. I would want a car around £7,000 around 2-3 years old.


However and maybe @IronChef could help with this one...... Would it be worth buying it over in the UK instead beforehand and taking over? If so what would you recommend going for ie: Ford etc


Or would the shipping costs simply make it cheaper to buy in Oz? I have heard though that 2nd hand cars are VERY expensive out there which as made me consider buying one prior to take over (obviously over 12 months prior to going out)


Any advice would be greatly appreciated. :)


Shipping a car may cost you up to £5000 so your £7000 car ends up costing you £12000. For $24000 or thereabouts you will be able to buy a good second hand car in Oz thats for sure. Remember too that you will have to wait weeks before your car arrives and probably pay for car hire in the meantime.


I recommend buy when you get there and keep your old banger going until then.

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Shipping a car may cost you up to £5000 so your £7000 car ends up costing you £12000. For $24000 or thereabouts you will be able to buy a good second hand car in Oz thats for sure.


For $24000 you can buy a good new car in Oz.

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Id only buy in the UK if it was some super dooper vehicle you can't get here. For 7000GBP you would get a pretty nice second hand one here, yes you pay a tad more than in the UK but it sells for more than in the UK when you come to sell it on. Also if buying in the UK make sure you can get parts for that model over here.


Have a look at car's on Gumtree, cars guide etc for prices.


Cal x

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There is no doubt, for that range of price there is NO value in buying in the UK beforehand and shipping, you will end up with WAY too much hassle and in the end more cost.... For that price you could get a 2011 Golf DSG in OZ (for example) which is a nice car for that amount of money....Lots of other options clearly...


Hope that helps..

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  • 4 weeks later...
Sorry, I missed this one! As mentioned above, not worth buying a car at the last minute to bring over - getting an import approval is a fair headache at the best of times, and on a cheap car you won't save a heap of money.


Are there any normal cars worth importing anymore? It seems that customs have made it excessively difficult for the average person to import their daily comuter.

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Are there any normal cars worth importing anymore? It seems that customs have made it excessively difficult for the average person to import their daily comuter.


The duties don't help much, for sure. It fits the age old analogy - the more you spend, the more you make. In other words, cheaper cars are only worth bringing if they're of particular sentimental value (I shipped a 1990 Skoda Rapid last year!) or you're happy with the car and plan on owning it for a longer period.

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