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Is it nerves ?


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Hi all


New to this forum so if I have posted in the wrong section then I am sorry :( , Im a 25 year old girl looking to come to Australia on a working holiday visa for one year , maybe two if things work out . I have a few things that I'm stressing over . Can anyone help ?


Is the job market for working holiday visa's good or bad ? - I have experience in retail , dental nursing , admin , and a short period of bar work - I am also willing to do any kind of work to earn some cash


how easy is it to make friends ? - I am a very outgoing bubbly person and will talk to anyone, I'm coming on my own so will be solo until I find some buddies!


At 25 do you think that that is too old to come on a WHV , am I going to be the "odd one" out so to speak?


And lastly - lol , has any one been to aus and came back and found it difficult to get work , I ask this because I would be giving quite a good job here to come over . I know that nobody can answer that question straight out - but would be good to hear people's experiences .


Thanks for your help - Looking forward to seeing some replies xx

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Hi and welcome to PIO! 25 sounds like the perfect age to me.Try Woofers and Help X.You basically work for nothing (no pay)but in return you are offered a room/bed and food,working 5 hrs usually per day 5 times per week.So really all you are funding is your travelling expenses and a few sundries like toiletries and whatever. If you're looking for a paid job,then follow the harvest trail.You follow the season around the country but you will need your own vehicle/accomo (usually camping).Not sure about other work ops on a WHV but I am sure someone on here will know. Good luck and best wishes.

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25 isn't too old to go.. I used to think 28 or 29 was a bit of a iffy age to go but I don't anymore. Any age is fine if you want a adventure!


I cant comment on work because it's something I'm worried about too but if you do work for accommodation or au pair then you should be fine

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It depends where you decide to start, but I reckon as people have mentioned, the seasonal working places would be better for making friends/getting a job. I have always found it easy to find work in Aus before and during uni, so you shouldn't struggle too much but the market isn't as good as it was two or three years ago.

Even if you stayed in a hostel for a few weeks while you found a job and made friends, then you could look for more long term accommodation. I don't think your age is an issue at all, if anything you are wiser and know yourself and what you want :)


With regards to jobs, it might be off-putting to potential employers if you tell them you're only allowed to work for one employer for 6 months.... personally I'd just "forget" to mention it. In my experience I was rarely asked what kind of visa I was on, and even when I told them they weren't familiar with the rules. On the other hand, a responsible employer would check what your work rights are anyway.

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Do it! You will love it and not regret it! The best adventure and experience of my life! I went at the age of 24. Jobs were easy enough to get- lots of temping in offices and waitressing mainly. To do bar work, you had to have been on some sort of course so I couldn't get bar work- but it was years ago now so may have changed. I also went on my own and just arrived at hostels saying 'can I go in the room with the most beds please!' Knowing this meant more people to meet and interact with. The other thing is just to be brave and to say 'fancy a walk/ wine/ coffee?' Most will be pleased you dared to ask, and if they aren't interested, their loss and you can take comfort in the fact that they don't know you anyway! Lol. As far as coming back was concerned, I got my old job back and slipped straight into my old routine! And now, years on, my family and I have been granted PR and emigrate this summer!

Best of luck & loads of love

vonny x

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I came to Australia on a working visa just before I got married (husband's Australian) in 1977. I was testing the water to see if I liked the place or not. Did a lot of fruit picking in the Mildura region and Tasmania and bar work in Perth. Really had a great time! Went back and lived in England got married then migrated in 1981.

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hi all


thank you for your replies its appreciated , its also good to hear from people who have actually been on a whv and can share their experiences .


I intend to start in perth , I have a flight booked foe next sunday (15th ) but still feeling very nervous about getting on it .


Can anybody say what the work opportunities are like at the minute in Perth ? Good or Bad ? I keep reading reports online that the unemployment is at its highest in WA . Maybe I am looking into it to much and its making me more worried !!


what about immi do they stop you , I will be coming with around $5.500 to start with and as I say plan to look for work straight away .


I've been thinking about it lots and reckon if I don't do it now then I never will , I think its fear of it not working out that is worrying me but I guess if I don't try it out I will never know !!


Thanks for your replies folks :)

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Go for it you wont regret it, I wish I would have done it at your age. I'm now too old for a WHV by a long way, but the good news is im going for a PR visa so I could have a perm WHV (189) very soon.


I loved my month travelling around OZ last year, you will regret it a million times more if you don't.

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Hi Lostat25? Sorry I can not address you with a name!


Wow I'm pretty envious you're going next Sunday! I would love to go now but I got some saving to do yet. Feel the fear and do it anyway, you'll not look back and regret it! 3 of my friends have been (1 still currently in Sydney) the 2 friends who are home want to go again and my friend who is still in Aus... he absolutely loves it and has not regretted a minute! Good luck and have lots of fun.



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