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Hello AGAIN!


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Morning All PIO'sicon_biggrin.gif


I hope everyone enjoyed their Australia Day weekend!


I joined a long time ago at the start of my journey towards my goal of at life in Oz. Last time I posted was the day I received my notification of 189 PR Visa :cute: That was July 2013. Following which I moved on the 1st Jan 2014. Anyways, as a way of re-engaging I thought I should re-intro myself with an update...


Im Sam. Arrived from the UK (after the standard crazy visa process) at the start of last year with the intention of starting my own business in Melbourne

(A city I fell in love with years perviously). On a random evening in Radio Mexico whilst drunk on Mexican beer and tacos, I met a programmer (Irish chap with a love for surfing and chocolate) who was also, like me struggling to find a job. So we decided to team up and create our own!


After only knowing each other 2 weeks we applied to AngelCube. Melbourne's tech startup incubator. We pitched a panel, not to dissimilar to Shark Tank or Dragons Den! Surprisingly, even though we were up against teams with far more traction, budget and customers...we were accepted!! icon_lol.gif


After some months hitting the whiteboard (and sometimes each other) we gained traction and popularity with our idea Class...a take on Uber for Hotels (Im NOT here to pitch so bare with meicon_redface.gif). My CTO or The Wizard as he prefers to be known has done us proud and created the first version of our product (Launched just before xmas) which is offically the worlds fastest hotel booking app (5.7secs) with rewards on every booking.


We are super excited as last week we received notification that we have made it into the Top 20 Finalists for the Australian App Awards!!


icon_biggrin.gif So thats me...It's been an absolutely crazy first year in Australia. If you want to say hey, Im usually hanging around the pancake machine in the Virgin lounge in Melbourne!!

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