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Living costs & working as a nurse in Oz


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Hi trying to work out the living costs in Australia compared to the UK and salary as a nurse. Lots of ppl telling me it's really expensive to live in Oz and the higher salary out there for nurses dosnt even balance up? Can anyone help me? What is rent like for a 2 bed apartment - what is a ICU nurse full time wage out there ? Are here any Nurses on here that have moved from UK that regret it ? Or love it ? Looking for some info please. What is the shift pattern like ?

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We have a few nurses on the forum so hopefully they will be along soon. It is hard with cost of living if im honest as everyone is different. I do think you spend a lot more in your first year or two ,then you start to learn where to go for what, personally ive found that although prices have risen this last few years on lots of things, i dont find it hugely expensive to live here.


Cal x

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Totally depends where u live..I paid 450 a week for one bed unit in sydney.. now I pay 250 a week for huge 4 bed house wrh lotsa outdoor space in north qld...I earn between 2800 n 4000 a fortnight as Inpatient nurse. .depending if I do overtime/wkends etc. I feel lot better off here than I did I uk..its one thing that makes me want to stay..I dnt find cost of living too high..I have more spare cash here. Wage depends on which state..yrs experiencs..role

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Totally depends where u live..I paid 450 a week for one bed unit in sydney.. now I pay 250 a week for huge 4 bed house wrh lotsa outdoor space in north qld...I earn between 2800 n 4000 a fortnight as Inpatient nurse. .depending if I do overtime/wkends etc. I feel lot better off here than I did I uk..its one thing that makes me want to stay..I dnt find cost of living too high..I have more spare cash here. Wage depends on which state..yrs experiencs..role
I am a ICU nurse and i would like to stay working in that speciality. I will have 6 years expeeience in that role the time I head to Oz. We would like to move to Melbourne or Geelong or somehwere down a great Ocean Road sorta direction ? I plan to work full time in a critical care unit and my husband will work as a teacher at high school so wasnt sure what sorta accommodation we would be able to afford but would like a place wij a garden for our dog etc
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I am a ICU nurse and i would like to stay working in that speciality. I will have 6 years expeeience in that role the time I head to Oz. We would like to move to Melbourne or Geelong or somehwere down a great Ocean Road sorta direction ? I plan to work full time in a critical care unit and my husband will work as a teacher at high school so wasnt sure what sorta accommodation we would be able to afford but would like a place wij a garden for our dog etc


What sort of teaching does your husband do?


I am a full time maths teacher and the oh is a nurse for a local doctor but also does shifts at frankston hospital.


When we came out she worked exclusively in ICU with the twelve hour shifts. It was paid at about $32 per hour for her 4 years experience. She took a bit of a pay drop to work for a local doctors practice as the hours are more conducive to a decent family life. Mixing day and night shifts made organising childcare a nightmare and she was constantly jet lagged. Life was not good, although she only did two such shifts per week.


This is our budget for last year, I'm due to do another one this year, but the numbers are fairly ballpark. Some will spend more on each item. Others will spend less.



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Depends where in Australia. Here in Adelaide houses are still (just) affordable, as they are in Hobart as well. Retail is very expensive in Australia as well, but you'll soon get very efficient at buying everything from overseas on the internet. Quality of life generally much higher in Australia however, so don't be deterred.

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We were far far better off financially in Australia as nurses than in the UK. In fact it is the only time we have not had to worry about money. Admittedly we rented over there (a huge house) but may have been a lot more stretched had we bought somewhere as prices were high and interest rates enormous plus loads of hidden fees...


However, I would not worry about money if you are a nurse as compared to UK it is much better financially (we did leave in 2012 after 3 years so things may have changed)


There were loads of tax breaks too.....too many to mention but amazing incentives to work


Over here in the UK we don't even get our 1% pay rise (in Australia I.....and every other nurse.... was given a one off tax free lump sum of $1000 just for continued professional development!!!!!!)


Purely on financial terms.....GO FOR IT!!!!!!

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We were far far better off financially in Australia as nurses than in the UK. In fact it is the only time we have not had to worry about money. Admittedly we rented over there (a huge house) but may have been a lot more stretched had we bought somewhere as prices were high and interest rates enormous plus loads of hidden fees...


However, I would not worry about money if you are a nurse as compared to UK it is much better financially (we did leave in 2012 after 3 years so things may have changed)


There were loads of tax breaks too.....too many to mention but amazing incentives to work


Over here in the UK we don't even get our 1% pay rise (in Australia I.....and every other nurse.... was given a one off tax free lump sum of $1000 just for continued professional development!!!!!!)


Purely on financial terms.....GO FOR IT!!!!!!


There are many other reasons as well. There's a lot of stuff about Britain's improving economy in the news right now but it's just for the election. Strictly speaking the British economy is in a terrible state and it's only going to get worse. Australia's secret weapon is its tiny population.

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