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Depressed about our dogs :-(


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We are in a bit of a dilemma right now. We have two dogs that we started preparing for export to Australia. One is a chihuahua and the other a 10kg chihuahua dachshund mix. We did the microchip, rabies vaccinations and titer tests for both of them (which they passed) and planned on leaving for Australia in April this year as 180 days would have passed by then.


Unfortunately in the last few days we found out that our chihuahua does not have her microchip anymore. Our vet confirmed through an x-ray that the microchip has fallen out. This is really unfortunate as our vet said that in the last 15 years he’s been practising as a vet, this has happened 2 or 3 times. If we redid the whole process for her, then we would have to wait another 6 months and would be travelling at the end of July.


My partner and I are both living in Germany with not many options here and the only reason why we’ve been living here for the last year or so is because of our dogs. So the dilemma we have is should we even take the dogs? Should we take the 10kg dog or none at all? The chihuahua would be easily rehomed but our 10kg dog would most likely need to be put down, neither of which we want to do at all. He is aggressive towards other people and other dogs, has food and crate aggression, pulls on the leash, barks at anyone at the door or when one of us leaves and whines the whole time in the car. We used to also have two rabbits which we also unfortunately had to rehome due to our Australia plans. It still saddens us deeply when we think about our rabbits.


The cost to get both dogs to Australia is also incredibly steep (over 4000 euros) and we would also be driving over 600km to the Netherlands to fly them from there as that seems to be the cheapest option. In Australia we would most likely not have that much time for the dogs either due to work.


What to do? :sad:

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It is a hard personal decision. We had Siamese cats before leaving, one by one they passed away and were not replaced. Unfortunately and very painfully we had to put the last cat to sleep as it would have been unfair to make her travel due to age and to be honest she would have significantly limited the properties we could have viewed for rent.


Our decisionion was correct for us. Maybe see if you can rehome and keep in touch with the new owners, at least that way there is still a connection.



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The microchip vanished from one of our dogs, we just had another one fitted and changed the numbers etc, it wasnt a problem? Maybe check through the export agency and see what they say but it wasnt to much of an issue with us! our dogs are now with us here!x

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Guest The Pom Queen

I am not sure for Germany but in the UK we came across this a lot (although my experiences and knowledge are dated now) as long as the vet has performed the x ray and the chip isn't there,( I'm presuming your vet is knowledgable to know that they can migrate to the strangest of places and has scanned the full body.) he can insert another and provide a declaration and update. The best person to ask for up to date information would be @BobPetairUK as he is a vet with upto date knowledge on exporting animals.

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Guest Chewitts

I am fairly sure you would only need to wait out the 6 months due to vaccine issues, as long as the dog has a microchip in situ at time of travel there is no problem.......friends of ours when their dog was taken to the export place were told that there was no trace of microchip (even though it was there the month before?!) a new one was inserted and the dog still flew out on the same flight.


However it sounds as if you are not sure if you should bring your dogs with you at all......that then becomes a completely different issue and something only you can decide about......

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Surely the vet could of just inserted another microchip at the time you were at the vets?Then you could of just notified whoever you needed to,to let them know the change made? You mentioned the cost involved in taking the dogs with you?You must of factored this in before you started the process?

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We have seen this a couple of times, most notably when the vets have put the wrong chip number on the rabies certificate.


In your case, i am sure the only way is to put in a new chip and start the whole process again. You can contact DAFF direct and ask them for guidance - they make the rules, but i dont think you will get very far.


How frustrating! Did your vet check the chip at all appointments - the visit to rabies vaccinate and the visit for rabies blood sampling - if they did not they should have done.


It may be most sensible to rehome your little dog and take your bigger dog, that sounds like the best option out of a bad set of options!


If i can help let me know

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Hello again!


Thank you for your lovely responses and trying to help us! This is such an amazing community! :notworthy: I'm glad that others who were in the same situation didn't have to repeat the process but it seems that things have changed since then. I'm sorry to hear about your story srg73 but glad it was the right decision for you.


DAFF confirmed that there was no other option other than repeating the process. They said another rabies vaccination was not required if the dog had a recent one, so today we had our dog microchipped and blood tested again and now we wait another 6 months. I've come to terms with the microchip disappearing but we probably wouldn't be in this situation if our vet told us correct information. We also would have been able to travel earlier than what we previously planned.


When our dog had her first rabies vaccination (she was a puppy) we wanted to microchip her but were told that she was too small. So we waited two months, got her microchipped, gave her another rabies vaccination and did her blood test all on the same day as her titre level was sufficient from her first vaccination. As there wasn't any time between her rabies vacc and blood test, her microchip wasn't scanned again. We thought everything was fine until months later we discovered her microchip couldn't be found at an appointment with the official government vet to do the RNAT test declaration. But looking on the bright side, we are still lucky that it happened now and not 6 months down the line right before our dog flies out.


So now we are making the best out of the time we have here and when we look at it realistically, our plans are only delayed by 3 months although July does seem like a long way away.

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