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Has anyone shipped a miniature Breed dog to oz?


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Hi guys..


my my husband and I are currently doing the first steps in applying for a visa to oz.


however the organised person I am I like to have everything answered and researched and written down ?


my 2 year old Yorker Oscar is my world however he is tiny!

he has never been in kennels and he is treated like a baby


i couldn't leave him behind


in wondering has anyone shipped a miniature breed over before?


As you can see this is him against a normal sized packet of wet wipes and fully grown!


What actually is the full process?





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I am in the same boat we have 2 miniature yorkies to take over (we are in the final stage of Visa application) My two have never been apart and the company we are using have assured me that they can travel together. There is only one quarantine centre now (Melbourne) and I have just emailed them to ask if they are allowed to stay in the same kennel for the 10 days in there. Trouble with yorkies they don't like to be apart from their owners and definitely don't like change so its very worrying. I have googled the quarantine centre and the whole process of them relocating and it seems they do get over it and after a few days settle back to normal. I have received a few quotes from several different companies and its not cheap but like you say they're your babies. The good news is its only 10 days now so that will be easier for all :)

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Hi to all reading we are going though the same process waiting for visas, our dog Ozzy (we might Change his name later ha)has had his rabies jab and has to wait six months before blood tests but as we have no date there's no rush. We have had one quote so far for about £2500 + 10 days quarantine @ $150 per day+ walks extra but that was in Sydney here's hoping Sydney still has a quarantine Centre we now need to check. Cheers Brian

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Hi to all reading we are going though the same process waiting for visas, our dog Ozzy (we might Change his name later ha)has had his rabies jab and has to wait six months before blood tests but as we have no date there's no rush. We have had one quote so far for about £2500 + 10 days quarantine @ $150 per day+ walks extra but that was in Sydney here's hoping Sydney still has a quarantine Centre we now need to check. Cheers Brian


Some of the above isn't quite right. Perhaps check with Bob at Pet Air on the forum. There's a pet shipping section.

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Me and my wife have 2 pugs and we were told it would be 3 months in quarantine. Shes cried instantly hearing this. Any truth in this. We are also planning a move to the sunshine coast, is there any quarantine centres near by?


The quarantine is now only 10 days. I would speak to Bob at pet air - there is a sticky at the top of the pet section as some breeds including pugs are not straight forward.

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Because they are a brachycephalic breed ( short/ snub nosed breed prone to breathing difficulties) which airlines don't want the risk of carrying as they more likely to die on the way.

I think Melbourne is the only quarantine centre now. Look at shipping pets section. Bob runs a relocation service for pets called pet air and is a vet. He will answer your queries better than anyone.

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