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Noisy Neighbours


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We bought a semi-detached house in Sep. The guys next door were a quite couple with a young baby, much like us. Unfortunately they have bought elsewhere and rented their place out.


The renters are a family with 2 older kids, around 10 or so. Their lounge backs on to our master bedroom and although it's a double brick wall we can hear every word of their conversation. We can't understand it as they speak Spanish.


They can be very loud and they seem to sleep late so it goes on for a while. They are not making excessive noise so doubt the council can help.


Has anyone faced anything similar and have any ideas how we can reduce the noise? I intend to speak to the neghibours tomorrow as its bothering me.


I can hear the parents and at least one kid right now, it's 11.30pm!

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I would speak to them (maybe think about exactly what you want to say first). And also, can you move your bedroom to another room that could be less noisy?


I hate this sort of thing, so really feel for you! Good luck and hopefully they will understand.

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If you're early birds,I'd probably talk loudly near their wall in the mornings.At night when you are quiet,they might not realise you can hear them.I'd also mention this to them and say it like "We can hear EVERY word you are saying,so if you think you are being private within your own home?Think again!:laugh:"Had noisy neighbours years ago and it really ruined our quality of life.Did'nt sleep well (these neighbours didn't work so stayed up half the night partying on down),weekends were worse.We would want to relax in our garden with some peace and quiet,and they used to crank the stereo up so it sounded like a bloody festival site!:mad:We ended up moving.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks for the replies guys. Decided not to say anything as there isn't a whole lot they can do. They are not being unduly noisy, unfortunately I think the build isn't of a great quality. If it gets any worse I will have words, am also going to look at putting in sound insulation if there is a cavity between the two sides of the wall.

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