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Lost Perth Found !!! photos of Perth from days gone by and today.


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I'm a long time resident here in WA and i run a page on Facebook that I thought people on here may find interesting. It is purely for reference and in no way am i trying to sell anything !!!

it's called Lost Perth Found

I find historic photos of Perth and reshoot them exactly today from the same viewpoint, then post them side by side as comparisons and also for some merge the two images for a unique look at then and now.


Interesting i hope for current and future residents if you want to see snapshots of the city today :)


Please take a look and like it if you find it interesting.

Many thanks.

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Its a great resource! Im not on fb but have seen this via my wifes and its awesome what people post.. I have a pic of my little one outside the entertainment centre before they got rid of it... wish there was a site rather than fb though..

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My page is actually called Lost Perth FOUND

Distinctly different to Lost Perth

I started mine at the same time funnily enough.


Its a great resource! Im not on fb but have seen this via my wifes and its awesome what people post.. I have a pic of my little one outside the entertainment centre before they got rid of it... wish there was a site rather than fb though..
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Trust me when I say the city is much leafier than it ever was.

I struggle in many places to get photos of the buildings due to the abundance of trees, predominantly of the London Plane variety !


Love old photos... what a shame that the city planners thought that replacing mature trees with plastic cacti is acceptable!!
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