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Shed a few tears tonight


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I'm taking a break for PIO at the moment - getting myself too upset at comments made by certain members who I feel are only here to purposefully wind others up but just wanted to share this.


The class my son was in graduate primary school today (well yesterday in Perth!) and I have just got this message from his primary 2 teacher


Hi Jules and Pete and Ethan

Just wanted to let you know I missed you last night at Graduation....in my mind, up there on the stage,there was a gap where an Ethan should have been!

Not supposed to say this but that in my long teaching career that class was my all time favourite bunch of kids. Each one a quirky little piece of an extraordinary puzzle.....

Wish you'd been here, but hope you're so happy back at where home is for you!

Much love



I have felt a sense of a loss all day today - school was really the only big positive of Australia for us and this message pushed me over the edge and I shed a few tears. Not sure why and I'm sure if I'd been there tonight I would have shed an awful lot more!


My son is at a fantastic school in Edinburgh too and one he can stay at through High School, he'd have been faced with the GATE assessments in Perth which I would have not wanted to put him through but he had his heart set on the College of Arts. Deep down I'd like to know whether he'd have made it though!


Anyway, everyone else was in bed and I don't want to share on FB so sharing here :)

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It's the little things that disturb your equilibrium I've found - the big stuff just rolls off you! It was nice of the teacher to let you know how much she enjoyed having E in her class though! It's lovely when you know that your kids have found a niche! I'm glad that he's found that niche in his new school too - itd have been so much harder for you all if he'd not found his place there! There will always be unexpected moments when we have a dose of the "what ifs".

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What a lovely message LR from your son's teacher!Very touching! Now young lady!!!! Whats this I hear about you being upset on PIO?You're winding people up?Thats the most ridiculous statement I've heard all year???Did this come from someone who's moving to Oz and could'nt face a few home truths??? I can't tell you not to have a break but I will say I will miss reading your posts ALOT!! If I don't see any posts from you after this one LR,I hope you have a very merry Xmas,and best wishes for the New Year!xxxxx

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It's the little things that disturb your equilibrium I've found - the big stuff just rolls off you! It was nice of the teacher to let you know how much she enjoyed having E in her class though! It's lovely when you know that your kids have found a niche! I'm glad that he's found that niche in his new school too - itd have been so much harder for you all if he'd not found his place there! There will always be unexpected moments when we have a dose of the "what ifs".


That's so true Quoll and I had never thought of that, if he hadn't settled so well back into Scotland then maybe it would have been harder for me too - moving schools was the hardest part of moving back even though logically we knew graduation was just around the corner anyway and there was no easy choice to make where we lived.


It was so nice to know that he lived on in hearts and minds and quite strangely his current teacher, worked at his school in Perth when the teacher that sent my the message was on maternity leave!

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What a lovely message LR from your son's teacher!Very touching! Now young lady!!!! Whats this I hear about you being upset on PIO?You're winding people up?Thats the most ridiculous statement I've heard all year???Did this come from someone who's moving to Oz and could'nt face a few home truths??? I can't tell you not to have a break but I will say I will miss reading your posts ALOT!! If I don't see any posts from you after this one LR,I hope you have a very merry Xmas,and best wishes for the New Year!xxxxx


I'll be back :)


I have no problem with those moving to Australia who can only see the upside because it's not so long ago I was one of them! I've probably shared this before but my future employer at the time kindly arranged for me to meet another migrant from Scotland when we were over on our reccie and she tried to tell me what is was really like. I came away thinking what a very strange woman :) A couple of years later I agreed with pretty much everything she said!


I do have a problem with those that purposefully attack thoughtful comments and shared experiences for the fun of it (& I really believe they do). I won't name names but I'm sure most of you know who I mean :)

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What a lovely message from Ethan's teacher! It would make me sentimental for what I left behind too. Wonderful though that he has found his niche back in Edinburgh as well - schools ate weighing HEAVILY on my mind at the moment so I know how important it is to feel you are getting it right.


I also know what you mean about those couple of people who seem to take pleasure in ridiculing/criticising others. I had a run in with one who basically told me I didn't deserve my citizenship (because I am leaving Aus ). The way I see it, those people are obviously very insecure and unhappy in their own lives and that's very sad. The best revenge is to live well which we all are so phooey to them!

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I agree AA. Its almost as if they cant hear anything bad about Australia. It makes me wonder if they aren't secretly very unhappy and are overcompensating trying to convince them selves how good it is here. As I tried to explain before I gave up, W have loved it here, its just time to move on. Maybe we should suggest that we change the name of the sub forum to moving TO the UK rather than BACK as I am sure we all see it as a step forward not a retrograde one.

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I agree AA. Its almost as if they cant hear anything bad about Australia. It makes me wonder if they aren't secretly very unhappy and are overcompensating trying to convince them selves how good it is here. As I tried to explain before I gave up, W have loved it here, its just time to move on. Maybe we should suggest that we change the name of the sub forum to moving TO the UK rather than BACK as I am sure we all see it as a step forward not a retrograde one.


Oh yeah, cognitive dissonance is a bugger!

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Thinking of you.


As for the haters on here, I barely post now because Id just get attacked for having a realist opinion of Aus. I truly believe some people/expats are almost mind warped and conformed to the Aussie life. I know, my ex is one. As British as they come but within 18 months of being here he had completely changed. Whilst I was realistic, with my eyes and mind open. Seeing it for all its faults... he loves the country just as much as the Aussie's. Will defend it. Has fitted in with all of the Aussie ways and mannerisms, would definitely be like some on here who worship this place and attack those who have a different opinion. I am not sure why this happens. Maybe they are the lucky ones, they can walk around with rose tinted glass, no worries, fit in whist we struggle.

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